Scenario Setup

To access this screen:

  • This screen displays when the Advanced Estimation wizard is launched (Estimate ribbon >> Interpolate >> Advanced).

This screen is part of the Advanced Estimation workflow. It is used to define a name for an estimation scenario and make initial decisions on how your estimation will progress.

An estimation scenario is a collection of information used to undertake an advanced grade estimation study and includes items such as the sample data, grade/variable fields, zone definitions, variography settings and models and estimation configuration(s).

You can copy a scenario. This may be useful to experiment with different estimation parameters, for example, if you wish to fit a different variogram model from that used in a previous study, or wish to assess the impact of defining different search volume parameters.

Using this panel, you can:

  • Create a new scenario
  • Change the name of a scenario
  • Copy a scenario
  • Load a new scenario
  • Export a scenario
  • Import a scenario
  • Delete a scenario
  • Decide if variography or KNA data from Datamine Supervisor will be used in the scenario.

Note: Advanced Estimation is part of the Studio RM toolset. Additional licensing modules aren't required.

Importing Supervisor Data

Check Select a Supervisor project to prefill scenario to read in parameters created in a Datamine Supervisor project into Advanced Estimation and pre-fill the wizard screens with parameters as created in Supervisor.

When the Supervisor project is successfully imported, a variogram model set is created from the imported model which can be viewed by accessing the Review Variograms panel.

You can also import cross variograms from Datamine Supervisor into the Advanced Estimation module.

  • If you attempt to import a project created in a version of Supervisor prior to version, the import fails with the following error message displayed in the Output control bar: 'Supervisor Project import failed with error: The project file was generated by an outdated version of Supervisor.

  • If no Datamine compatible variogram model can be found in the Supervisor project, then the following message is displayed in the Output control bar: 'Supervisor Project import failed with error: No Datamine-compatible variogram found in the Supervisor project file'.

Scenario Activities

All activities below assume that the Advanced Estimation wizard has been launched, and the Scenario Setup screen is displayed.

To create a new scenario:

  1. Click Create New.

    If another scenario is active, you are asked if you will Save changes to that scenario before swapping to the new one, Revert changes or Cancel scenario creation.

    Providing you don't cancel the operation, a new scenario appears in the table below (called "new scenario").

  2. Select the new scenario.

    The default name appears in the Scenario name field on the right.

  3. Edit the Scenario name to something appropriate.

    Tip: Use a naming convention for estimation scenarios. The convention may highlight a particular grade, estimation type, variogram model or other parameter of importance.

  4. Click Save Changes to update the name of the scenario. This is reflected in the scenario table on the left.

  5. Decide if Datamine Supervisor variography or KNA data will be used in your scenario.

    • Check Use Supervisor for Variography and KNA to filter the list of available screens in the left menu to show only those relevant to importing this information (instead of defining variography and KNA within the Advanced Estimation wizard).

      You can import data files from Supervisor manually later, or choose a Supervisor project from which to extract this information (by clicking Import and locating a project file).

    • Uncheck Use Supervisor for Variography and KNA to define your own variography and KNA parameters, if they are needed for your estimation run.

To load an existing scenario:

  1. Select any scenario in the table and click Load Selected.

    If another scenario is active, you are asked if you will Save and load to save the existing scenario before changing it, Load without saving changes or Cancel scenario loading.

    Providing you don't cancel the operation, the selected scenario is loaded and all associated parameters are applied to the various screens of the wizard.

  2. Review the loaded scenario settings on the Scenario Setup screen. If okay, proceed with the remainder of the wizard.

To export a scenario:

  1. Create or load a scenario and configure your estimation using the various screens available.

  2. On the Scenario Setup screen, ensure the correct scenario is selected and click Export Scenario.

  3. Specify a file name and location.

    Note: Scenario files have a '.dmavsc' extension and can be imported into another Studio RM project providing the target Studio RM version is the same or newer.

To import a scenario:

  1. Click Import Scenario.

  2. Locate an exported '.dmavsc' file.

    A new scenario appears in the list.

    Note: If the name of the scenario is the same as an existing one, an index is added to make it unique.

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