Advanced Estimation

Selecting your input samples for estimation

Advanced Estimation - Select Samples

To access this dialog:

This panel is used to define the sample files and fields for estimation.

The panel is divided into the following areas:

  • Input Samples: this is where select the input sample file. By default, coordinate fields will be auto-detected, but you can set them yourself if you are using a specific naming convention that isn't recognized.

    Once a sample file has been selected, you should choose one or more grade/variable fields that will be used for the estimation.
      This section is also used to select optional field(s) to define one or two estimation zones (domains) and a hole identification field.
  • Sample Summary:once you have defined your fields, a summary table is provided to provide some basic statistics on the number of samples and distances between samples.

After selecting an input samples file, select one or more grade/variable fields to use in estimation. All numeric fields in the selected file are listed. Typically, grade fields would be chosen.

If you wish to use zone control (either for hard or soft boundary estimation - see below)

Note: Advanced Estimation is part of the Studio RM toolset. Additional licensing modules aren't required.


Field Details:

Input Samples: this command group contains the following fields:

Samples file: specify (or browse for) your samples file.

X/Y/Z: your application will attempt to map 3D coordinate fields automatically but you can, if you wish, set them to any numeric data field found in the specified input samples file.

Select grade/variable fields: select one or more grade/variable fields in the list.

Zone 1/2: select (optionally) one or two zone (domain) fields in the samples file to define a single zone field or a combination of two zone fields for which statistics will be calculated.  

This will subsequently allow you to define a different variogram model and estimation parameters for each combination of zones. It will also allow you to select a subset of zones for the estimation.

Once one or two zones have been selected, you can select one or more zone combinations for soft boundary analysis using the Define Custom Zones panel

Once selected, each unique zone value in that column will be represented as a distinct Zone Selection button on the Bivariate Statistics panel.

If no zones are defined on this panel, subsequent processes will use all sample data for the estimations.

Hole ID: if your sample set contains borehole identification values, you can specify the field name here. This allows downhole variograms to be calculated, allows sample selection to be restricted by a maximum number of samples per hole and allows the reporting of a 'number of holes' field in the estimated model.

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If you wish to view your samples in conjunction with the generated variogram map in the 3D Variogram window during anisotropy investigation, you will need to ensure that the borehole identification attribute is called "BHID". Non-standard borehole IDs are not supported.

If no BHID field can be found, the map will still be generated, but you will not be able to view the samples file.


From and To: if the FROM and TO fields exist in the samples file they are identified automatically; otherwise the user can select them.  The values are used for calculation the sample length (TO – FROM) which is reported in the Sample Summary table below.  

Custom Zone Sample Summary: this command group contains a table showing, for each distinct zone.

Zone: custom zone identifier(s) for each combination of zone values.  If two zone fields have been selected then the zone values will be separated by the “/” symbol.  The bottom row will be shown as zone “All”, giving statistics over all zones or in the case where no zones have been selected.

Samples: the total number of samples for the specified zone(s).

2D: will state "Yes" if , for each zone, the z-span of all the coordinates in the zone is close to zero. It will show "No" if this isn't the case, and the data will be treated as 3D.

No of Holes: if a Hole ID field has been selected above, this column contains the number of holes for which zone values have been detected.

Range dist: the span of the data hull enclosing all samples. This distance is normally greater than the maximum distance between any samples (unless the hull has a sample exactly at the opposing corners).

Mean length:the average sample length, calculated as TO - FROM

Absent lengths: the number of samples with an absent data FROM or TO value.

Calculate distance statistics: statistics are normally calculated when a new Samples file is specified, but you can use this button to calculate the following additional statistics for the samples file:

  • Max dist: the maximum distance between samples, per zone (if one or more zones is specified).

  • Mean dist: the average distance between samples, optionally per-zone.

  • Min dist: the closest distance between sample pairs, optionally per-zone.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Advanced Estimation IntroductionDefine ZonesBivariate Statistics