Uniform Conditioning - Input Data

Specifying the parameters and files for Uniform Conditioning

Uniform Conditioning - Input Data

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Estimate ribbon and click SMU Analysis | Uniform Conditioning

The Input Data screen, part of the Uniform Conditioning wizard, is where the 'ingredients' for the Uniform Conditioning process are entered. This includes the XYZ data fields for the input samples an (optional) model file plus the other parameters required to feed into the process, such as the specified domain field and value. From this information a minimum and maximum grade value, plus details of the number of samples and records held within the domain are displayed.

A file containing sample data is required. The samples file will need to contain positional information (XYZ), at least one grade field and (optionally) a column containing information relating to the domain of interest. This could be a points file as well as a desurveyed drillhole file. Where possible, the fields containing the positional information is extracted and automatically added to this panel (although they can also be selected or edited manually).

If no Domain field is selected, all points in the input file will be used as well as a input model (if specified).

If you do elect to condition data within a specific domain, the Domain field must exist in both the specified sample file AND the input model file. You will also only be able to select a domain value if it occurs in both the samples and model file. Only usable domain fields and values will be made available for selection. For example, if both model and samples file contain a DOMAIN field, and the samples file contains 1,2 and 3 as unique values, whereas the model file contains 2,3 and 4, you will be able to select DOMAIN, but only values 2 and 3.

  Not available Available Available Not available
Model File   2 3 4
Input Model File 1 2 3  


Once you have specified your input parameters for the process, you can move onto the next stage, sample declustering.

Field Details:

The Input Data screen contains the following fields:

Input samples: use the browse button to select a Datamine Binary file that contains sample positional information and supporting attributes. Where XYZ data columns are found with an expected description (e.g. X, XPT, Y, YPT etc.) they will be added to the relevant drop-down list selection below.

X/Y/Z: values will either be extracted automatically from the loaded samples file, or they can be selected manually using the drop down list, which will display all numeric fields found in the incoming file.

Grade field: the grade field (present in the samples file) that will be considered during the process of Uniform Conditioning. A grade field must be selected and, as above, all numeric fields in the samples file are available for selection.

Input model: this optional field can be populated by loading a pre-existing geological model. This is required if you wish to make use of the Panel and SMU block model report options later in the process. If you decide not to import a model, you will still be able to generate global Grade Tonnage curves.

Domain field: if you have specified both a samples file and an Input Model (see above), this drop-down list will show all unique data fields found in both data files. If only a samples file is being used, all unique data fields detected in this file are shown. You do not have to select a domain field; if you leave this setting blank, all samples and model data (if a model file has been selected) will be used in the Uniform Conditioning process.

Domain: if you have specified both a samples file and an Input Model, and a Domain field has been selected (see above), this drop-down list will display all unique values that are found in both data files. If only a samples files is being used, all unique values found in the selected Domain field are listed.

No. of samples in the selected domain: once you have have selected a Domain (see above), this read-only field will display the total number of sample file records found that relate to that domain.

No. of model records in the selected domain: once you have selected a Domain and have also specified an Input Model , this read-only field will display the total number of records in the Input Model that related to the specified domain.

Min/Max Grade: This read-only field will show the lowest and highest grade values detected in the specified samples file in the selected Domain.

Remove temporary files: the processes that underpin Uniform Conditioning generate intermediate data. By default, these files are deleted after use. If you disable this check box, they will be retained. This can be useful in reviewing intermediate calculations in case of unexpected outputs.

Restore: restores previous Input Data panel settings.


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Uniform Conditioning - Introduction
Uniform Conditioning - Decluster
Uniform Conditioning - Variograms
Uniform Conditioning - Grade Tonnage Curves
Uniform Conditioning - Panel Model Reports
Uniform Conditioning - SMU Model Reports
About Uniform Conditioning