Uniform Conditioning - Variograms

An explanation of fields and properties

Uniform Conditioning - Variograms

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Estimate ribbon and click Uniform Conditioning . Select the Variograms panel on the left.

The Variograms screen, part of the Uniform Conditioning wizard provides access to Studio's existing variography tools to create a weighted variogram model file based on the contents of the declustered samples information generated in the previous step of the wizard. This stage assumes that a variogram model file has already been created (e.g. as a result of using Studio's VGRAM command or the powerful suite of Variogram modelling functions on offer).

Select a variogram model file using the browse button and a Variogram ID to model the weighted multivariate variograms which will feed into the following processes (Grade Tonnage Curves, Panel Model Reports and SMU Model Reports).


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Uniform Conditioning - Introduction
Uniform Conditioning - Input Data
Uniform Conditioning - Decluster
Uniform Conditioning - Grade Tonnage Curves
Uniform Conditioning - Panel Model Reports
Uniform Conditioning - SMU Model Reports
About Uniform Conditioning
About Change of Support