project-string-onto-wf-in-view ("ptd")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Digitize ribbon >> Project >> String to Wireframe in View.

  • Using the command line, enter "project-string-onto-wf-in-view"

  • Use the quick key combination "ptd".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate project-string-onto-wf-in-view and click Run.

Command Overview

Project a string along the line of view onto a visible wireframe surface, along the line of sight.

Tip:  Preselecting multiple strings allows you to run this command for all selected strings.

Command steps:

  1. Load and display at least one string and wireframe.

  2. Select (highlight) the string or strings to project.

  3. Run the command.

    The selected string data projects to wireframe data.

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