The Project Button

The Project button is available in the top-left corner of your screen at all times, and contains commonly-used project functions, as listed below:

New Project: create a new project using the Project Wizard.

Open: Open an existing project from your current or another Datamine application. By default, the file extension used to filter available files will be relevant to your application, although you can choose to load project files from another Studio application if you wish (although not all project features may be supported).

Close: Close the current project and return to the Start page. 

Save: Save the current project, with options to save individual data files. 

Save As: Save a copy of the current project to the project folder (default) or another location. 

Print: Print the current view to a printer device or file. 

Print Preview: Displays the Print Preview ribbon.

Print Setup: Configure your local printer device 

Page Setup: Define the page size and orientation, margins etc. 

Licenses: Launch the Datamine License Manager in a separate window. 

Plugins: List all currently available Datamine plug-ins.

Exit: Close your application - unsaved data warnings will be shown if appropriate. 

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