Grid Properties Dialog - More Line Formatting Tab

Specifying further grid line formatting options for a 3D window

Grid Properties Dialog - More Line Formatting Tab

To access this dialog:

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Grids can be fine-tuned using the settings on this tab, allowing precise control over their graphical format. After specifying any settings, click Apply in theGrid Propertiesdialog to update the active 3D window.

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Some of the following options are dependant on other settings in the Grid Properties dialog - for example, you can only set the properties for a particular spatial axis if it is enabled in the Options tab.

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The settings described here apply to the currently active 3D window and all linked external windows. Independent windows will be unaffected.


Field Details:

Grid Type: this drop-down list allows you to apply a 3D hull or section grid to the current object in the active 3D window. When you click Apply in the Grid Propertiesdialog, the selected grid is displayed with the active object in the active 3D window.More...

The following options can be selected:

  • [3D Hull]

  • [Active Section]

  • [Section name]

Display Mode:this drop-down list allows you to configure the display of the grid relative to the object in the active 3D window. More...

The following options can be selected:

  • [Normal]

  • [Show Hidden Lines]

  • [Always on Top]

The following fields apply to the X, Y, Z and Border grid lines:

Line Color: set the line color for the selected grid component using the color picker tool.

Major line style: select from a range of graphical line styles for major grid lines.

Major line weight: set the weight (thickness) of the major lines, in pixels.

Major line intensity %: set the opacity of the major grid lines using a value from 0 (invisible) to 100 (totally opaque).

Minor line style: set the style of the minor lines from the options provided in the drop-down lists.

Minor line weight: set the weight (thickness) of the minor lines, in pixels.

Minor line intensity %: set the opacity of the minor grid lines using a value from 0 (invisible) to 100 (totally opaque).

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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