Clip Art Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties


To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Activate the Manage ribbon and select Plot Item | Image

The Clip Art Properties dialog is used to define the size and orientation properties for a clip art plot item.


Field Details:

Height: define the height (mm or inches*) of the inserted image.

Width: define the width (mm or inches*) of the inserted image.

Load Bitmap: optionally click this button to open the Open dialog in order to load a different image.

: click this button to flip the image vertically i.e. about a horizontal axis.

: click this button to flip the image horizontally i.e. about a vertical axis.

: click this button to rotate the image in the clockwise direction.

: click this button to rotate the image in the anti-clockwise direction.

Maintain aspect ratio: tick this checkbox in order to maintain the aspect ration when editing either the Height or Width values.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Clip Art