Table Column Format

Changing the table column display format

Changing table column format

Table columns can be displayed as text or in a variety of graphical formats.

To change the display style of a column

  1. Select the column by clicking the column header cell.

  2. Choose <filename> Properties... command from the right-click menu.

  3. Select the column name in the Columns in View box.

  4. Select the Style Templates tab dialog to display the current display style. The Customized style box indicates whether the default template style has been modified. Clear the Customized style box to reset the style to the original template settings.

  5. Select the column display style required from the gallery of pre-defined styles. Settings on the other style tabs will be modified according to the selected template.

  6. View and modify the style settings on the other tabs as required.

  7. Choose Apply to view the changes or OK to close the dialog.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Graph and Histogram styles
String style

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