Inserting New Table Views

Adding a new table display view

Inserting new table views

One table view can be displayed for each type of drillhole table. To insert a new table view:

  1. Activate theManageribbon and selectTablefrom thePlot Itemdrop-down list from the Plots window.

  2. Select the table name from the list of available tables displayed  

When applicable select the template in the New table sheet dialog.

Rotating Plot Items

All plot items can be rotated, either during or after insertion, when in Page Layout Mode. Only plot items with a green rotation symbol can be rotated. This is done by using a click-and-rotate action on the rotation symbol when the rotation cursor (curved two headed arrow) is displayed. This symbol is shown below associated with a Scale Bar:

Releasing the left mouse button will set the plot item with the new orientation.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Creating new table types
Merging tables