Managing Intersections

Selecting, Naming and Saving Intersections

Selecting, naming and saving intersections

Intersection intervals can be selected, using the pointer or Compositor tool, in almost any table, section, 3D or log view.

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Selecting samples
Compositor tool

The default intersection label, which is saved in the Zone field in the intersections table, must be defined before the interval is saved.

To save an intersection interval

  1. Select the interval you wish to save as an intersection.

  2. Right click the Compositor control bar and select Save Selection. You can also right click on the selected sample and choose Hole Segment | Save Selection.
  3. The selection is added to the intersections table and all results fields are computed.

When saving intersections, open a second window and display the intersections table so that you can verify the saved results as you go.
Records which are added to the intersections table in the projectare not savedin the project and need to be exported. The exported intersections may be imported again when the document is next opened so that further intervals can be added to the intersections table. If you have already imported an intersections file, export the updated intersections table to the same file name and location so that the updated intersections are automatically loaded when the document is opened.

You can also use the Compositor tool to save selected intervals to the intersections table. This has the advantage of displaying the composite results before saving the interval.

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Selecting samples
Creating an intersections table

Compositor tool
Exporting the intersections table

Importing an intersections file