Manage Benches

This activity is used to configure benches for an area displayed on the Pits Settings pane. Benches are assigned to either all pits in the database, the Current Pit or the Current Area.

Data Scope for Benches

Benches can be defined as a single, global, table that applies to all reports generated for all pits and areas within a project, or you can set up pit- and area-specific bench definitions that will only be applied if they are appropriate for the current report scope.

For example, in a project with two pits ("Pit 1" and "Pit 2"), you set up a bench definition table that is global. If no other definition table is defined, the global table would be used to segregate volume reporting by bench heights for both pits. However, if you set up a bench definition for Pit 1, it is used for reports relating to Pit 1 only and Pit 2 will continue to use the global definition.

Similarly, you can set up a bench definition for a specific area.

Activity Steps:

  1. To define the reporting scope of your bench definitions:

    1. Expand the Scope list.
    2. Select from one of the following options:
      • Current Area - bench definitions apply to the current area only.
      • Current Pit - bench definitions apply to all areas with the current pit.
      • Global - bench definitions apply to all pits and areas of the active database.
  2. To create a new Benches table:
    1. Click Clear Benches.
    2. If prompted, choose to remove existing data from the database. This cannot be undone.
  3. To add benches to the Benches table:

    Note: bench definitions can only be added to an existing table. To change the configuration of existing benches, use Clear Benches and recreate the table first.

    1. If no benches have yet been added, enter the Crest elevation of the selected Scope. For example, if a Global scope is selected, this is the elevation of the highest pit crest for all pits in the database.

      Crest is read-only if benches have already been added to the table.
    2. Enter the Height of the next bench or benches to add to the table.
    3. Enter the number of Benches to add.
    4. Click Add to update the Benches table.

      New bench records display below the previous lowest bench. Each bench has a unique (fixed, incrementing) numeric Label, a Height, a Crest elevation and a Toe elevation.
  4. Click OK to return to Pits Settings. Updated Benches display.