Isoshells Report

To access this report:

  • When the Create Isoshells process is complete, the Isoshell Report screen displays.

The Isoshell Report displays a summary of the isolevel wireframes produced by running the Create Isoshells process.

The report displays a table with the following information for each isolevel value defined on the Input screen.

  • Value Field: the value which you selected in the Create Isoshells dialog, Input tab, Value Field drop-down list.

  • Volume: the volume of the isoshell associated with the relevant value.

  • Area: the area of the isoshell associated with the relevant value.

  • X/Y/Z Min: the minimum X/Y/Z value of the isoshell associated with the relevant value.

  • X/Y/Z Max: the maximum X/Y/Z value of the isoshell associated with the relevant value.

  • Count: the number of triangles used for each relevant value.

You can preserve the contents of the report using the following options:

  • Save to Project—save the display data as a Datamine (.dm) file. Clicking Save to Project launches the Project Browser dialog which allows you to specify a file name (or pick an existing file to overwrite).

  • Export to Excel—export the displayed results to Microsoft Excel.

Selecting Finish closes both the Isoshell Report and Create Isoshells screens. All parameters are stored and can be restored during the next command session if required.

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