Project Log

To access this log view:

  • Display the Planning Reports panel and click Show Project Log.

  • Activate the Planning ribbon and select Report >> Project Log.

Throughout your project session, a register of planning ribbon functions is kept, plus other supporting information.

This can be useful if you (or your Datamine Support Team) are investigating a system issue or other unexpected outcome. The displayed output file contains debug-style information, including basic event information, system warnings and instances of file writing, including to temporary or intermediate files.

Each item in the log will be prefixeed with a date and time, and items are listed in ascending chronological order.

The log is recreated each time a new project is opened.

Log entries can be as simple as:

2018-10-26 09:05:20 Info Opening project

...or can be more specific to a command, e.g.:

2018-10-26 09:44:19 Info The call to method 'WriteDesignStrings' inside method 'PrepareDesignType' on object 'PreparerForDesignStringBasedDesigns' is using the temp file: 'C:\Database\EPSTEST_1\UGDatabase\Scenario1\Data\Temp\'

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