Create a Colour Key

The Create Key tab allows you to create new colour keys. New colour keys can be viewed or edited in the Colour Key Entry Table.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Colour Key Library or Project Colour Key Library from the Component Options panel.
  2. Select the Create Key tab in the Property Panel.
  3. Configure the following options, as required.
    • Name – This name displays in colour key pickers throughout Supervisor.
    • Colours field group:
      • Type – Select from:
        • Numeric – Colours are defined by numeric intervals (or bins).
        • String – Colours are defined by unique strings in the key.
      • Transform – Numeric transformation applied to the key values. Select from:
        • None – The colour key's Start and End values are in the same dimension as the source data.
        • Percentile – The colour key's Start and End values are interpreted as percentile values. For example, the system supplied Deciles colour key.
        • Log – Use a Log10 key. You must specify log transformed values.
      • Start – The start value of the first interval. For numeric colour keys only.
      • End – The end value of the first interval. For numeric colour keys only.
      • > (Unlimited) – Whether to add an entry that is from the end of the last interval to infinity. For numeric colour keys only.
      • Step –   The step or interval value of a key item. For numeric colour keys only.
      • Number of keys – The number of keys to create. After creation you must add the key strings in the Annotation column in the Colour Key Items Table. For string colour keys only.
      • Spectrum – The colour spectrum applied to the key. Select from Rainbow, Red, Green, Blue and Grey.

        Note: Colour can be altered in the Colour column of the Colour Key Items table.

      • Reverse colours – Reverse hot (red) and cold (blue) colours. If the data values of (economic or other) interest are low rather than high, this switch allows you to reverse the colours to reflect this.
    • Sizing field group:
      • Start sizing at – Value of the key at which sizing starts. Relative size of an item (in 3D) that matches the key, where 1 is the normal size.
      • Start size – Size of the first sized item.
      • Step – at which the size value increases at each step.
  4. Click Create Colour Key.