Updating Components

Many components perform some calculations or processing and require manual updating. A component that requires an update is referred to as being out of date. See how to Update Components.

Some components update immediately, without having to manually update the component. Other components may take considerable time to update, in which case Supervisor waits until you manually update the component.

Where possible, components are updated in the background, so you can keep working on other parts of the project.

Update Colours

Components display with different background colours in the Main Canvas and in different font types in the Project Tree when they require an update.

Project Tree font types mean the following.

  • Bold – Requires updating.
  • Italics – Currently updating.
  • Bold and Italics – Queued for updating.

Main Canvas background colours mean the following.

  • Green – Requires updating.
  • Yellow – Currently updating.
  • Yellow-Green – Queued for updating.
  • White – No update required.