Configure System Advanced Options

The Advanced tab of the System Settings contains settings that should not be changed unless you understand the consequences or have been advised by support.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Options Tab in the Component Options panel.
  2. Select System in the Component Options Panel.
  3. Select the Advanced tab in the Property Panel.
  4. Configure the following options as required.
    • Allow caching – Whether to allow results of updated components to be cached to disk. Default: Off.

      Important: Do not enable this option unless advised by product support.

    • Allow loading-on-demand – Whether to load a component's results only when you click on it. This option speeds up the loading process and saves computer memory by only fully loading those components that are used. Default: On.
    • Unload results when out-of-memory – Whether to allow Supervisor to try and cache components to disk to retrieve memory. Default: On.

      Tip: Save your project (Ctrl + S) regularly to make sure you do not lose any work if your system runs out of memory or goes down in any other way.

    • Serialise differences only – Whether to only write properties that have changed to the project file to decrease the size of the project file and to increase the speed of loading a project file. Default: On.
    • Component Update – Controls the way components are updated. See Updating Components. Default: Auto. Select from:
      • Auto – Component updates according to the component's individual update setting.
      • InProcess – Forces all components to update and prevents user input while a component is updating. This option is to make sure that Supervisor can continue updating components in the event that updates occurring in background processes make the system crash.
    • Memory buffer – Amount of contiguous computer memory that needs to be available before updates and other functions in Supervisor start. Everything that happens in Supervisor requires memory, so this buffer is to minimise the possibility that the system runs out of memory while saving a project. Default: 100 MB.