Link to the Data Source

It is important to specify how Supervisor is linked to the data source file after the data is loaded. If the source file is modified, the Data Components and their analyses in Supervisor are considered out-of-date and need to be recalculated to display the correct information. How Supervisor behaves when the source data is modified is dependent on the linking settings in the Configure the Loader Tab.

Activity Steps

  1. Click the Data Component in the Project Window.
  2. Click the Data Loader tab at the bottom of the Main Canvas.
  3. Click the Loader tab in the Property Panel.
  4. Select the Link to Source method from:
    • Live – Automatically reload the data when you open the project or click on an associated component that relies on that data.
    • Warning – A warning message displays in the Status Window when an associated component that is out-of-date. You must reload out-of-date data manually by clicking Reload Data in the Loader tab.
    • Detached – The source data becomes part of the Supervisor project file and the original data source is no longer linked. When you detach sample data the name of the data file displays in round brackets.


Some data sources (for example, SQL Server) do not support out-of-date data detection. In that case, you are responsible for knowing when the underlying data has changed (and to reload the data manually).

The Detached setting is very useful when archiving projects. However, only the part of the input data that has been loaded is stored. That is, the columns that have been checked during the data loading process.

Tip: If you find yourself changing these settings on every project (for example, if you always detach your data), you can change the default settings of the Point Data Loader component in the Options Tab. See Change Default Component Settings.