Conditional Simulation
Conditional simulations are often used for risk assessment and can be inserted beneath a Data Loader Component containing point data (see Insert a Component). A single conditional simulation component can run multiple realisations for a single parameter set, using the chosen simulation method. Further simulations can be inserted as required. These simulations can be used to generate and validate multiple outcomes for a given data set, using one of the follow methods:
- Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS)
- Turning Bands (TB)
Note: An upper and lower tail component is required to allow for back-transformation of data that is outside the original data range. The upper and lower tail component is automatically added when the SGS method is selected.
Conditional simulation is split into two major processes:
- Simulation Generation – Set up the simulation parameters.
- Simulation Post-Processing – Verify that the simulation produced valid results and adjust, if necessary.