Change the BlastPad Drill Toe Fixed to Design Toe Property of Holes

This hole property controls how updating the collar RL of a hole via BlastPad impacts the toe position of holes:

  • If True (default) and the collar RL is changed via BlastPad, the hole depth, angle and bearing are recalculated to preserve the fixed design toe position.
  • If False and the collar RL is changed via BlastPad, the drill toe position is recalculated using the entered data.

This hole property is editable via BlastPad. See Enter Drilling Data in BlastPad.

When filtering displayed holes in the Viewport, the list of boolean flags includes BlastPad Drill Toe Fixed to Design Toe and BlastPad Drill Toe Not Fixed. See Filter Displayed Holes.

To set the property to Tue:

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. Select a drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.

    The drill pattern displays in the Viewport.

  3. Select or filter holes as required. See Select Objects in the Viewport and Filter Displayed Holes.
  4. On the Design Ribbon Menu, in the BlastPad Hole Drill Toe group, click Fix Drill Toe to Design.

    The BlastPad Drill Toe Fixed to Design Toe property is changed to True in the Hole Properties.

  5. Click Save Changes.

To set the property to False:

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. Select a drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.

    The drill pattern displays in the Viewport.

  3. Select or filter holes as required.
  4. On the Design ribbon menu, in the BlastPad Hole Drill Toe group, click Unfix Drill Toe.

    The BlastPad Drill Toe Fixed to Design Toe property is changed to False.

  5. Click Save Changes.