Enter Drill Log Data

This video, recorded using an earlier version of DataBlast Pro, provides an example of how to enter drill log data.

This activity is only required for manual data entry; for example, if data has been entered in a drill sheet (see Generate and Print a Drill Sheet). Alternatively, you might Import a Drill Navigation Log.

If you are using BlastPad, you might synchronise drill log data directly from BlastPad.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Drill module.
  2. Select a drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.

    The drill pattern displays in the Viewport.

  3. To limit the data entry to a subset of the holes in the drill pattern, select the holes. See Select Objects in the Viewport.
  4. On the Drill Ribbon Menu, in the Drill group, click Drill Log.

    The Drill Log Data Entry Sheet displays.

    Note: The drill pattern type determines which drill log entry sheet displays. See Maintain Drill Pattern Types. The properties in the header, the data columns, and whether historical data displays, are all configurable. See Maintain Measurement Entry Templates.

  5. To adjust the text size, click Zoom In or Zoom Out as required.
  6. Enter data in the header fields as required.
  7. Enter data in the data columns for each hole as required.

    For editable data columns, if the template configuration has Entry Only unchecked, data already in the database displays but only until you enter a value for any editable property in the table row (that is, for that hole).

    The hole ID has a colour highlight for holes for which you have entered data.

    Note: If you are entering data for the drill log depth, short holes are highlighted (by default) in red and long holes are highlighted (by default) in blue. See Configure Colours.

  8. To clear edits for a hole:
    1. Select the hole in the data table.
    2. Click Clear Hole Edits.

      A confirmation message displays.

    3. Click OK.
  9. To redrill a hole:
    1. Select the hole in the data table.
    2. Click Redrill Hole.

      If the hole has measured data, a confirmation message displays.

    3. Click OK.

      Note: Redrilling a hole abandons the original hole and creates a new hole with the redrill suffix.

  10. To abandon a hole:
    1. Select the hole in the data table.
    2. Click Abandon Hole.

      If the hole has measured data, a confirmation message displays.

    3. Click OK.
  11. To clear all newly entered data without closing the Drill Log Data Entry Sheet:
    1. Click Revert Changes.

      A confirmation message displays.

    2. Click OK.
  12. Click Save.

    Note: Holes for which you have entered data are flagged as drilled and change colour in the drill pattern. See Change the Drilled Status of Holes.