Basic Mine Site Settings
For context, see Configure Mine Site Settings.
Configure the following basic mine site settings as required:
- Mine Site Name
- Zero Angle Style—For example, if you select the third radio button clockwise, hole angles are measured from the horizontal plane; that is, a vertical hole measured downwards is 90°.
- Time Zone
- Default Drill Pattern Type—Select from the defined drill pattern types. See Maintain Drill Pattern Types.
- Default Hole Sort—Order used to sort holes when generating a charge sheet and in measurement entry screens. Select from Row and Echelon.
- Conventional Charge Standard View Style—Controls the order of definitions in the matrix for charge standards. Select from Subtypes Across, Lengths Down and Lengths Across, Subtypes Down.
- Default Pattern Label Text Height—Default label text size for new patterns.
- Explosive Mass Rounding
- Default Number of Days to Check Live Patterns for Changed Data—Only live patterns are sent to BlastPad devices. See BlastPad.
- Charge Authorisation Enabled—If checked, holes can be authorised in the Charge Module. See Authorise Holes for Charge Loading.
- BlastPad Requires Charge Authorisation—If checked, the charge design only for authorised holes displays for operators. Only applicable if Charge Authorisation Enabled is checked.
Note: The Measurement Type is set to Metric.