Configure Random Invoice Factoring for a Set of Contract Terms

An assay factor rule can be used for either assay exchange factoring or random invoice factoring. See also Configure Assay Exchange Factoring for a Set of Contract Terms.

Only one assay factor rule can be added to a set of contract terms; however, the assay factor rule can include multiple analytes, each with different adjustment factors.

In random invoice factoring, the adjustment is by a random number within the specified lower and upper factoring limits. Typically, this factoring method would only be applied to provisional invoices to avoid revealing real sample values, which might be disadvantageous later in the assay exchange process. In the invoice preview, a tooltip on the analyte value displays the detail of any applicable assay factoring. See Override Weight and Assay Values for an Invoice. Assay factoring data is also displayed on the despatch order snapshot. See View a Despatch Order Revenue Snapshot.

This factoring method is not applied to sample values in an assay exchange. However, the final result from the assay exchange is factored in selected invoices.

Security Note: You need the Allow contract maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the required set of contract terms.
  3. Right-click the Assay Rules node and select New Assay Factor Rule from the menu.
  4. Select the Assay Factor Rule node.
  5. Set Assay Factor Method to Random Invoice Factoring.

    The sample values for all analytes in the table are adjusted randomly within the factoring limits.

  6. Complete the following fields.
    • Invoice Types—Select from the invoice types defined on the Invoice Types screen. Not applicable to final invoices.
    • Analyte Statuses—Select from the statuses defined in the Analyte Specification status definition. See Status Definitions.
  7. Add analytes to the assay factor rule:
    1. Right-click in the Assay Factor Rule table and select New from the menu.

      The actual value of the factoring of each analyte is a random number between the specified lower and upper factoring limits.

    2. Complete the following fields.
      • Analyte Definition—Select from payable analytes specified in the contract, penalty analytes specified in the contract and contract product specification analytes.
      • Factor Lower Limit—Lower limit for the random factoring of the specified analyte. A number less than 1 represents a decrease (for example, 0.95 = 5% decrease) and a number greater than 1 represents an increase.
      • Factor Upper Limit—Upper limit for the random factoring of the specified analyte.
  8. Click Save.