View a Contract Quota Snapshot

See Contract Quota Snapshots for more information. This activity is only applicable if contract quota snapshot settings have been enabled. See Specify Snapshot Settings.

Security Note: Assuming you can view the contract, no specific security right is required for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the Contract Products » [Contract Product] » Quotas node.
  3. Select the node for the required quota.
  4. Select the Quota Snapshot tab.
  5. Select the Invoice Type if required. Only applicable if Create Snapshot Per Invoice Type is checked in the snapshot settings. See Specify Snapshot Settings. Select from:
    • None—The default snapshot displays. The default snapshot represents the most up-to-date data, based on contractual terms, and using the most recent weights and assays present in the system.
    • Invoice types that meet all the following criteria:
      • Are specified on the Options screen
      • Are contractual invoice types in the applicable set of contract terms
      • Have payment terms in the applicable set of contract terms if Payments Due is checked on the Invoice Types screen
  6. Select the Revenue tab.
  7. View the following information for the quota in the Snapshots table:
    • Snapshot—There are three types of quota snapshot:
      1. Total Despatch Orders—Displays the aggregation of snapshots of despatch orders in the quota
      2. Balance—Displays the information that was calculated using:
        Quota Required Quantity – Sum of Despatch Order Quantities

        However, if the sum of despatch order quantities is greater than the minimum quantity of the quota, the balance is considered to be zero. If no minimum quantity is specified for the quota, the balance is zero once the sum of despatch order quantities exceeds the required quantity of the quota.

      3. Total—Displays the aggregation of the Total Despatch Orders and Balance
    • Quantities:
      • Current Quantity
      • Current Dry Quantity
      • Weight Value Source—Lowest applicable source for the quantity values.
      • Quantity UOM
    • Product
    • Pricing Detail—Only applicable if the contract is based on product pricing.
      • Price
      • Price UOM
      • Is Final Price
      • QP
    • (Primary and secondary if applicable) Currency:
      • Value Before Tax
      • Total Tax Value
      • Total Value
      • Due Amount
    • Error Message—Error messages from the quota calculation.
    • Date Last Modified—Date when the displayed data in the snapshot was last modified.
  8. View the following information for each analyte on the Assay Info tab.

    Analytes that are in the quota specifications display in the same order as on the quota Specification tab. Other applicable analytes (that is, additional payable or penalty analytes specified in the applicable set of contract terms) display below the specification analytes.

    • Analyte Definition
    • UOM
    • Value
    • Value Source—In ascending order of precedence:
      • None
      • Purchase Quality—Values from the purchase side of a trade if Use Purchase Weights And Assays is Until Realised, Until Assayed, Until Finalised or Always for the sales despatch order.
      • Specifications—Values as displayed on the despatch order's Specification tab.
      • Assume Source—Values that the loaded bulk materials or discrete units have from samples or surveys earlier in the supply chain.
      • Loading—Sample values on the despatch at the loading location.
      • Unloading—Sample values on the despatch at the unloading location.
      • Avg. Loading & Unloading
      • Assay Exchange - Partial
      • Assay Exchange - Final
      • Deemed
      • Stockpile—Only applicable if a despatch order has a Linked Stockpile, Stockpile State Date and Stockpile State Rules specified on the Details tab and used for reporting purposes. Values represent the monetary value of the stockpile.

      Note: If the analyte is applicable to multiple despatch orders; for example, if the snapshot is of an aggregated parent despatch order (APDO) with multiple child despatch orders (CDOs), the lowest applicable value source displays. See Parent and Child Despatch Orders.

    • Analyte Status—Only applicable if the Sample Analyte status definition exists. See Status Definitions.
    • QP—Quotation period of the analyte.
    • Content UOM
    • Analyte Mass—Displayed for:
      • All payable analytes specified in the applicable set of contract terms
      • All penalty analytes specified in the applicable set of contract terms
      • Any other analytes in the despatch order specifications, as long as a Content UOM has been specified for the analyte in the Analyte Definition Editor and the mass of the analyte is not zero.
    • Payable Mass—Only applicable for contracts with analyte pricing.
    • Total Toll Return—Total amount of the analyte included in toll returns. Only applicable for contracts with analyte pricing.
    • Is Payable—Whether the analyte is a specified payable analyte for the contract. Only applicable for contracts with analyte pricing.
    • Is Toll Analyte—Whether the analyte is tolled. Only applicable for contracts with analyte pricing.
    • Sample Date—Date of the latest sample results.
    • Price—The snapshot uses the latest quotation pricing (QP) that is specified in the applicable contract terms (or as overridden in the despatch order). In most cases, this is the final QP. Invoicing options specified on the Child Despatch Orders tab are not considered. If the required data is not available to calculate final invoice line items, the price can be estimated if this setting is enabled in snapshot settings. Otherwise, the invoice preview will be of the provisional invoice line items, and so on back through the applicable contractual invoice types. If the required data is not available for the first contractual invoice type, the invoice preview displays data with appropriate error messages.
    • Is Final Price—Whether the price is a final price.
    • Price UOM
    • Error Message
  9. To view the details of the quotation period, right-click a payable analyte or the main analyte of the contract product and select Show Quotation Period Detail from the menu.

    The Quotation Period Detail displays.

    The QP Status can be:

    • Final—Sufficient information is available for the date range of the QP to be accurately determined.
    • Probable—Not all information is available for the despatch. For example, a month of arrival (MA) QP is based on the actual time of arrival (ATA), but only the estimated time of arrival (ETA) is available.
    • Estimated—The QP is estimated based on information in the despatch order only. For example, a despatch order with a MA QP has a planned despatch date and planned loading and unloading locations specified. The transit time is known from the route between those locations, and is used to estimate the time of arrival.
  10. To view the details of the quotation pricing:
    1. Right-click a payable analyte or the main analyte of the contract product and select Show Pricing Detail from the menu.

      The Quotation Pricing Detail displays.

      The Priced Quantity is the quantity of material for which the price is known. Example: For a quotation period of a month with 21 business days, if prices are known for 3 of the days, the priced quantity is the QP mass, divided by 21 and multiplied by 3.

    2. To view further detail about the priced quantity, including the status of each price, click the ellipsis (...) next to Priced Quantity. The ellipsis does not display for QP lines with fixed pricing.

      The Pricing Detail displays.

      The Pricing Status can be:

      • Actual—The price is known from the price series.
      • Pending—The price should be known, but is not yet available.
      • LKQ—The price is the last known quotation from the price series.
      • Forward—The price is from a forward curve. If prompts are configured, the Prompt Date displays the date for determining the forward price. See Set up a Price Series.
      • Overridden—A user has overridden the price.
  11. To recalculate the snapshot:
    1. Right-click in the Snapshots table and select Queue Snapshot Recalculation from the menu.

      A message about saving displays.

    2. Click OK.
    3. Click Save.