View a Repurchase Action Snapshot

Security Note: Assuming you can view the repurchase action, no specific security right is required for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Repurchase Contract.
  2. Select the Repurchase Actions tab.
  3. Select the repurchase action.
  4. Select the Revenue sub-tab.

    Weights and pricing information display in the Summary table.

    • Quantities:
      • (Current) Quantity
      • (Current) Dry Quantity
      • Weight Value Source
      • Quantity UOM
    • Pricing Detail:
      • Price
      • Price UOM
      • Is Final Price—Whether the price is a final price.
      • QP—Quotation period.
    • Currency:
      • Value Before Tax
      • Total Tax Value
      • Total Value
    • Error Message
    • Invoice Dates—Does not display data for repurchase action snapshots.
    • Due Dates—Does not display data for repurchase action snapshots.
    • Date Last Modified—Date on which the snapshot was last calculated.

    Analyte values display on the Assay Info sub-tab.

    • Analyte Definition
    • UOM
    • Value
    • Value Source—In ascending order of precedence:
      • None
      • Specifications—Values from product specifications of the contract product.
      • Assume Source—Values that the loaded bulk materials or discrete units have from samples or surveys earlier in the supply chain
      • Loading—Sample values on the despatch at the loading location
      • Unloading—Sample values on the despatch at the unloading location
      • Avg. Loading & Unloading
    • Analyte Status—Only applicable if the Sample Analyte status definition exists. See Status Definitions.
    • Content UOM
    • Analyte Mass
    • Sample Date
    • Factor Lower Limit—Does not display data for repurchase action snapshots.
    • Factor Upper Limit—Does not display data for repurchase action snapshots.
    • Factor—Does not display data for repurchase action snapshots.
    • Error Message

    Pricing line items display on the Preview sub-tab. This preview includes revenue line items and any line items associated with costs.

  5. To view the details of the quotation period, right-click the main analyte of the contract product and select Show Quotation Period Detail from the menu.

    The Quotation Period Detail displays.

    The QP Status can be:

    • Final—Sufficient information is available for the date range of the QP to be accurately determined.
    • Probable—Not all information is available for the despatch. For example, a month of arrival (MA) QP is based on the actual time of arrival (ATA), but only the estimated time of arrival (ETA) is available.
    • Estimated—The QP is estimated based on information in the repurchase action only.
  6. To view the details of the quotation pricing:
    1. Right-click the main analyte of the contract product and select Show Pricing Detail from the menu.

      The Quotation Pricing Detail displays.

      The Priced Quantity is the quantity of material for which the price is known. Example: For a quotation period of a month with 21 business days, if prices are known for 3 of the days, the priced quantity is the QP mass, divided by 21 and multiplied by 3.

    2. To view further information about the status of each price, click the ellipsis (...) next to Priced Quantity. The ellipsis does not display for QP lines with fixed pricing.

      The Pricing Detail displays.

      The Pricing Status can be:

      • Actual—The price is known from the price series.
      • Pending—The price should be known, but is not yet available.
      • LKQ—The price is the last known quotation from the price series.
      • Forward—The price is from a forward curve. If prompts are configured, the Prompt Date displays the date for determining the forward price. See Set up a Price Series.
      • Overridden—A user has overridden the price.
  7. Select the Costs sub-tab.

    Costs display in the Services table. The information is like the costs displayed in despatch order snapshots. See View Despatch Order Snapshot Costs. However, these costs are included in the sales or purchase invoices, rather than being invoiced separately in service or freight invoices.

    Rate detail line items display on the Preview sub-tab. This preview duplicates the display of cost line items displayed on the Revenue » Costs tab.