Configuration for Consignment Parent Despatch Orders
In order for the business rules for consignment parent despatch orders (CPDOs) to apply, the Calculation Method must be set to Consignment.
The following options can be specified for CPDOs:
- The Consignment Discrete Unit Location to use for loading discrete units onto child despatch orders (CDOs)
- The Consignment Stockpile to use for loading bulk materials onto CDOs
Important: The validation of the location or stockpile is a before-save validation. This means that it is possible to select a different location or stockpile when entering data for a bulk transaction or discrete unit movement. However, the transaction or movement can only be saved if the location or stockpile matches the CPDO's configuration.
Some contract terms may be overridden on the CPDO or on the CDOs. Note the logic that applies when overriding:
- Quotation pricing—See Override Contractual Quotation Pricing for a Despatch Order.
- Assay rules—See Override Contractual Assay Rules for a Despatch Order.
- Contract charges—See Add a Contract Charge to a Despatch Order.
- Costs and service charges—See Override Contractual Costs and Service Charges for a Despatch Order
- Demurrage/despatch conditions—See Override Demurrage/Despatch Conditions for a Despatch Order.
- Invoice fields—See Override Invoice Fields for a Despatch Order.