Unpack Package Group Lots

This activity presumes that child package groups (lots) were created by lotting. See Assign Packages to Package Group Lots (Lotting).

Unpacking a lot removes the lot from the parent package group, and unpacks the packages from the child package group lot.

Security Note: You need the Allow package group maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Package Group (DU).
  2. Select the Automatic tab.
  3. Select the Lotting tab.

    Lots display in the Lots table.

  4. To unpack a lot, right-click the lot and select Unpack Lot from the menu.
  5. To unpack a lot and delete the child package group, right-click the lot and select Unpack And Delete Lot from the menu.
  6. To unpack all lots, click Unpack All.
  7. Click Save.