Enter Route Point Times for a Supply Train or Ship

Security Note: As applicable for the transport type, you need the Allow supply train maintenance or Allow supply ship maintenance security right in the Supply user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Supply Train or Supply Ship.
  2. Select the required route point or route marker in the Route diagram.
  3. To enter planned route times, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Planned—Default for the first route point: The time when the supply train or ship was created.
    • Departure Date - Planned
  4. To enter actual route times, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Actual
    • Departure Date - Actual
  5. If there are subsequent route points in a predefined route, to update the planned arrival and departure dates at those route points, right-click the current route point and select Assign Route Point ETAs from the menu.

    MineMarket updates the planned route times at the subsequent route points based on the Travel Time Estimate in the route. The route may be configured to calculate Travel Time With Delays. See Create a Train Route and Create a Ship Route.

  6. Click Save.