Enter Tiers for a Charge

Security Note: For a contract charge template, you need the Allow the user to maintain contract charge templates security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity. For a contract charge or payable analyte charge in a set of contract terms, you need the Allow contract maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the contract charge or payable analyte charge in the Contract Charge Templates, Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Select the Tier Group tab.
  3. Select the Tier Concept that will be the input value of the tier evaluation. Select from:
    • Analyte Grade
    • Analyte Mass Content
    • Current Invoice Total Value
    • Invoice Unit Price
    • Payable Analyte Mass Content
    • Payable Analyte Grade
    • Payable Analyte Total Value
    • Payable Analyte Unit Price
    • Payable Analyte Scale Price—Displays the Scale Pricing tab. To specify scale pricing, see Enter Scale Pricing for Charge Tiers.
    • Total Despatch Mass
    • Invoice Wet Mass
    • Invoice Dry Mass
    • Unadjusted Wet Mass
    • Unadjusted Dry Mass
    • Transport Size
    • Invoice Gross Mass
    • Lot Mass
    • Loading Rate

    For an umpiring charge, the tier concept is selected from Umpire Lot, Lost Umpire Lot and Won Umpire Lot. (Umpire Lot and Won Umpire Lot have the same functionality.)

  4. If the tier concept is related to an analyte, select the Tier Analyte from the analytes defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer. A tier analyte is required for scale pricing.
  5. If the tier concept is any price or value, select the Currency from the currencies defined in the Currency/Exchange Editor.
  6. Select the Unit associated with the tier concept. Select from units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
  7. Enter the Maximum Input and Minimum Input if required. Example: A price participation with a Tier Concept of Payable Analyte Unit Price is configured to have a maximum input of USD 7 for the tier test. If the unit price for the payable analyte is higher than USD 7, the tiers for the price participation are evaluated based on the maximum of USD 7.
  8. Select the Tier Calculation Method to evaluate the tier group. Select from:
    • Accumulative To Base Tier—Return the Value/Step from the tier that results from moving from the tier input point towards the value specified as the Base Tier. That is, if the value is above the base tier then it is calculated from the highest to the base tier; and if the value is below the base tier, it is calculated from the lowest to the base tier.
    • Accumulative—Return the Value/Step that is the sum of all tiers from the first tier up to the tier in which the input value resides.
    • Weighted Average—Return the weighted average of all tiers.
    • Single Value—Determine which tier matches the input value. Return that tier's Value/Step.
  9. Enter an Offset if required. The offset is a fixed amount that is to be added to the tier test result.
  10. Create tiers for the tier group:
    1. Right-click in the bottom table and select New from the menu for the required number of tiers.
    2. Complete the following fields for each tier level.
      • Applicable From—Lower limit of the range of the tier. If there is more than one tier, Applicable To is set to Applicable From for the next tier.

        Tip: It can be easier to enter the Applicable From values starting with the bottom tier in the table.

      • Value—Output value of the tier.
      • Step—Number by which to divide the output Value.
      • Include Start—Whether the tier evaluation is to be > or ≥ to the Applicable From value.

      MineMarket updates the Tier Summary. If the input value falls within the summary, the tier Value/Step is returned as the tier result.

    3. If the Tier Calculation Method is Accumulative to Base Tier, check Base Tier for one tier level.
  11. Click Save.