Duplicate a Contract

For sales and purchase contracts:

  • Duplicating a sales or purchase contract copies all the general details of the contract, as well as contract products and payable analytes. Sets of contract terms are copied; however, the delivery terms and most nodes in the contract terms are optional. The contractual invoice types and invoice fields in the contracts terms are always copied. Copying quotas is optional. The credit line is only copied if the contract type and organisation are the same in the original and duplicate contracts. (If they differ, the credit line is set to Use Organisation Default.)
  • Despatch orders and existing contract links are not copied.
  • A sales contract can be duplicated as a purchase contract, and vice versa. A contract link to the new contract can also be created in the source contract if required.

Duplicating a service or freight contract copies all the contract rates, payment terms, demurrage/despatch conditions, taxes and documents.

Duplicating a repurchase contract copies the pricing and costs.

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to duplicate contracts security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Contract Explorer.

    Note: Contracts can also be duplicated via the Contracts tab of the Organisation, Company or District.

  2. Find the contract to duplicate. See:
  3. For a sales or purchase contract:
    1. Perform one of the following steps:
      1. Right-click the sales or purchase contract and select Duplicate from the menu.
      2. Right-click the sales contract and select Duplicate As Purchase Contract from the menu.
      3. Right-click the purchase contract and select Duplicate As Sales Contract from the menu.

      The Contract Duplication screen displays.

    2. Update the following fields as required.
      • Seller—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
      • Buyer—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
      • District—Select from the districts defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer. For a sales contract, only districts of the selected seller display. For a purchase contract, only districts of the selected buyer display.
    3. Select which Options to copy. The available checkboxes depend on which nodes have data in the contract terms of the source contract. By default, all options are checked. Possible options:
      • Delivery Terms
      • Quotation Pricing—For contracts with analyte pricing, controls whether the pricing for each payable analyte is copied.
      • Tolling Details
      • Contract Charges—Each type of contract charge and analyte charge can be selected. If the payable percentage of payable analytes is not selected, a default 100% payable percentage is created in the duplicate contract.
      • Budgeted Costs—Budgeted costs with any service type (Service, Freight, Finance Service).
      • Service Charges—Costs and service charges with a service type of Service.
      • Freight Charges—Costs and service charges with a service type of Freight.
      • Finance Service Charges—Costs and service charges with a service type of Finance Service. Finance charges are not applicable to sales contracts.
      • Contract Taxes
      • Payment Terms—Required if Payment Conditions is checked.
      • Payment Conditions
      • Assay Rules—Including any assay factor rules.
      • Parities
      • Demurrage/Despatch
      • Bricks
      • Quotas
    4. Select whether to Create Link In Source Contract. Whether to create a contract link in the product(s) of the source contract to the product(s) of the duplicate contract. If checked, the contract link is created with all default options. If unchecked, no contract link is created. However, the contracts can be linked manually later if required.
    5. Click OK.

      The Sales Contract or Purchase Contract displays the duplicate contract.

      Note: The accounting group of the new contract is updated if default accounting groups are specified for the organisation. The Buyer and Seller of sales and purchase contracts can be edited.

  4. For a service, freight or finance contract:
    1. To duplicate the contract for the same organisation, right-click the contract and select Duplicate from the menu.

      The Service Contract, Freight Contract or Finance Service Contract displays the duplicate contract.

    2. To duplicate the contract to a different organisation:
      1. Right-click the service, freight or finance contract and select Duplicate Into Another Organisation from the menu.
      2. In the dialog box, select the Organisation for which to create the duplicate contract.
      3. Click OK.

      The Service Contract, Freight Contract or Finance Service Contract displays the duplicate contract.

      Note: The accounting group of the new contract is updated if default accounting groups are specified for the organisation. The Organisation of service, freight and finance contracts cannot be edited after contract creation.

  5. For a repurchase contract, right-click the contract and select Duplicate from the menu.

    The Repurchase Contract displays the duplicate contract.

  6. Click Save.