Enter Fixed Exchange Rates
Instead of using an exchange rate source, you can specify fixed exchange rates for a specific context.
Activity Steps
- Open the required screen that has an impact on pricing:
- The Quotation Pricing, Payable Analyte, any contract charge or payable analyte charge (except mass adjustment), Service Charges, Parities, Contract Taxes node in contract terms of a Sales Contract or Purchase Contract or in contract term overrides in a Despatch Order.
- The Pricing or Costs tab of a Repurchase Contract.
- The Service Charges tab of a Despatch Order, Train, Truck Despatch, Service Trip, Shipment, Train Template, Truck Despatch Template, Service Trip Template or Shipment Template.
- Demurrage/Despatch conditions in contract terms of a Sales Contract or Purchase Contract or in contract term overrides in a Despatch Order, or in a Shipment, Service Contract or Freight Contract.
- Click the ellipsis (...) for Fixed Exchange Rates in the applicable table.
The Fixed Exchange Rates screen displays.
- Right-click in the table and select New from the menu.
- Update the following fields.
- Source Currency—Select from the currencies defined in the Currency/Exchange Editor.
- Target Currency
- Exchange Rate—Exchange rate to use from the source currency to the target currency instead of a rate from an applicable exchange rate source.
- Click Close.