Copy Contract Charges

You can copy a single contract charge or a set of contract charges to another set of contract terms in the current contract or in another sales or purchase contract. Copied contract charges are added to any contract charges that are already in the destination set of contract terms. That is, existing contract charges are not replaced.

Security Note: You need the Allow contract maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the source Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the required set of contract terms.
  3. To copy a set of contract charges, right-click the Contract Charges node for set of contract charges to be copied and select Copy from the menu.
  4. To copy a single contract charge, right-click the node of the contract charge to be copied and select Copy from the menu.
  5. Open the destination Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  6. Expand the required set of contract terms.
  7. Right-click the destination Contract Charges node and select Paste from the menu.
  8. Update the contract charges as required.
  9. Click Save.