Invoice a Repurchase Action

Only the first invoice can be created via the repurchase contract. However, if another invoice iteration or an amendment is required, use the Invoice Explorer. The latest invoice displays in the Repurchase Actions table. See Include a Repurchase Open Action in a Sales Invoice and Include a Repurchase Buyback Action in a Purchase Invoice.

Security Note: You need the Allow invoice maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity. To delete an invoice, you also need the Allow invoice deletion security right in the Contracts domain security rights group.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Repurchase Contract.
  2. To invoice the open action, right-click the action and select New Sales Invoice from the menu.

    The Sales Invoice displays the preview of the invoice line items.

  3. To invoice a buyback action, right-click the action and select New Purchase Invoice from the menu.

    The Purchase Invoice displays the preview of the invoice line items.

  4. To delete the latest (unlocked) invoice of a repurchase action, right-click the action and select Delete Invoice from the menu.
  5. Click Save.