Despatch Order Data Links

Important: Despatch order data links are an alternative to Linked Contracts.

Note: See Data Link Templates for descriptions of data link properties.

Despatch order data links provide a way to have data flow from a source despatch order to one or more target despatch order(s). Linking data in this way automates what otherwise might require manual data entry in multiple despatch orders. When data is updated in the source despatch order and the updates are saved, MineMarket updates the target despatch order(s) automatically.

Data links are highly configurable. For example, a target despatch order may take its weights and assays from one source despatch order and its dates to determine risk transfer from another source despatch order. The data link properties are editable for each data link, even if a template was used to create the data link.

Costs can be 'mirrored' to facilitate cross-charging.

When creating a one-off data link between despatch orders, the despatch orders must already exist. Creating the data link does not create the target despatch orders.

The despatch orders in a data link:

  • Cannot be parent despatch orders (PDOs) or child despatch orders (CDOs)
  • Cannot be linked despatch orders from linked contracts or manual links

A chain of data links is possible; that is, a target despatch order from one data link can be the source despatch order of another data link. However, circular links are not possible.

A despatch order may be the target despatch order for multiple source despatch orders, but only if different data types flow from each source despatch order.

Data Link Templates

Data Link Templates can be used when creating a one-off data link between two despatch orders or when setting up a data link for a contract product. The properties of the data link, which are inherited from the template, are editable in each data link.

Data Link Configuration in Contracts

Data links can be configured in sales and purchase contract products. When despatch orders are created for the source contract product, MineMarket creates the target despatch order(s) for the target contract product(s). The properties of the data link, which are inherited from the contractual data link configuration, are editable in each data link in the despatch orders.

Linked Data (Data Link Properties)

For each data link, the properties of the data link specify which data types flow from the source despatch order to the target despatch order(s):

  • Allow Assay Exchange
  • Cost Mirroring
  • Create Invoices
  • Risk Transfer
  • Weights And Assays

Note: See Data Link Templates for descriptions of these properties.

Trade Creation

Trades can be created automatically for some data links. See Trades.

The Linked Despatch Orders tab of a Despatch Order screen includes a visualisation of:

  • Data links between despatch orders
  • Links from linked contracts or manual despatch order linking
  • Trades with despatch orders and sets of mark-to-market (MTM) terms

The current despatch order is in bold text. For data links, the visualisation displays a blue single-directional arrow pointing to the target despatch order. Beside the arrow, labels summarise the data configured to flow along the link. Clicking a hyperlinked despatch order name opens that Despatch Order screen. Clicking a blue arrow selects the applicable row in the Linked Despatch Orders table and displays the properties of the data link in the Link Properties table.