Data Link Templates

Despatch order data links provide a way to have data flow from a source despatch order to one or more target despatch order(s). Linking data in this way automates what otherwise might require manual data entry in multiple despatch orders. When data is updated in the source despatch order and the updates are saved, MineMarket updates the target despatch order(s) automatically.

Data links are highly configurable. For example, a target despatch order may take its weights and assays from one source despatch order and its dates to determine risk transfer from another source despatch order. The data link properties are editable for each data link, even if a template was used to create the data link.

See Despatch Order Data Links.

A data link template can be used when creating a one-off data link between two despatch orders (see Link a Despatch Order Manually) or when setting up a data link for a contract product (see Set up a Data Link for a Sales or Purchase Contract).

Data link templates must belong to a data link template category. Data link templates cannot be moved to a different category.

The properties of the data link specify which data types flow from the source despatch order to the target despatch order(s).

Weights And Assays

The options for the Weights And Assays property are:

  • Yes (default, but only for one source data link)
  • No
  • Prorated By Traded Quantity

If Weights And Assays is Yes for a data link:

  • The quantities and qualities of the material associated with the source despatch order flow through to the target despatch order. For example, a source despatch order is loaded with 1000 mt, but the unloading transaction is 999 mt. If the despatch fulfilment type for the target despatch order is By Loading Transactions, the quantity of the target despatch order is 1000 mt. If the despatch fulfilment type for the target despatch order is By Unloading Transactions, the quantity of the target despatch order is 999 mt. The despatch fulfilment type of the source despatch order does not impact the target despatch order.

    However, for inter-company data links (that is, when the organisation of the source despatch order is the company of the target despatch order and the company of the source despatch order is the organisation of the target despatch order), the quantities and qualities are replicated from the snapshot of the source despatch order.

  • If the Required Quantity or specifications of the source despatch order are changed, MineMarket synchronises target despatch order(s). This includes adding or deleting analytes; and updating specification values, such as target, minimum and maximum. If the source and target despatch orders are traded with each other, MineMarket also updates the trade quantity.
  • Trades can be created automatically. See Trades.
  • For an inter-company data link, the Enforce In Final setting in assay rules does not limit the creation of final invoices for target despatch orders. See Enter Assay Rules for a Set of Contract Terms.

If Weights And Assays is No for a data link, source and target despatch orders take their quantities and qualities from transactions, samples and so on for each despatch order.

If Weights And Assays is Prorated By Traded Quantity:

  • MineMarket calculates the target despatch order snapshot(s) using the prorated traded quantity even if less than the minimum required quantity.
  • Trades can be created automatically.
  • The Enforce In Final setting in assay rules does not limit the creation of final invoices for target despatch orders.

If a target despatch order has multiple sources:

  • A maximum of one data link can have Weights And Assays set to Yes.
  • A combination of Yes and Prorated By Traded Quantity is not possible.
  • Multiple data links can be set to Prorated By Traded Quantity.

Regardless of the setting for Weights And Assays, costs configured on a despatch are calculated using the weights and assays related to the loading/unloading bulk transactions or discrete unit movements on the despatch. If the despatch has not yet been loaded or unloaded, the required quantity and specifications of the despatch order associated with the despatch are used.

Allow Assay Exchange

The Allow Assay Exchange property is only applicable if the linking of Weights And Assays is set to Yes.

If Allow Assay Exchange is checked in the data link properties:

  • Assay rules (and analyte settlement rules if applicable) must be configured in the target contract.
  • An assay exchange can be performed for each target despatch order using the assay rules and analyte settlement rules of the target contract.
  • If multiple laboratories are specified in the assay rules of the source contract, those results are available for the assay exchange of target despatch orders. The Default Laboratories of the assay rules in the target contract are ignored.

If Allow Assay Exchange is unchecked in the data link properties, an assay exchange can only be performed for source despatch orders, and target despatch orders inherit the final results from their source despatch order.

Cost (and Service Charge) Mirroring

The options for the Cost Mirroring property are:

  • Full
  • No (default)
  • Prorated By Quantity

You can mirror selected (cost and service charge) rate details from a source despatch order to its target despatch order(s).

When you mirror a rate detail, MineMarket inverts the impact; that is, if the rate detail has a positive impact in the source despatch order, the mirrored rate detail has a negative impact in the target despatch order(s).

For rate details with a Rate Detail Basis of Fixed Amount or Fixed Amount Per Despatch Order, if you set Costs Mirroring to Prorated By Quantity, the impact is calculated using one of the following formulae:

  • If there is a trade between the despatch orders:

    -(Source Cost * Trade Quantity / Source Despatch Order Quantity)

  • If there is no trade between the despatch orders:

    -(Source Cost * Target Despatch Order Quantity / Source Despatch Order Quantity)

For any other rate detail basis or if Costs Mirroring is Full, the impact is simply inverted.

For the mirrored rate details in the target despatch order(s):

  • The Provider is the Organisation of the source despatch order.
  • The Activity, Name, Invoice Scope and Fixed Exchange Rates are editable.
  • The default Name includes the suffix (Mirrored).
  • The Rate Source displays the hyperlinked source despatch order name.
  • Subsequent mirroring is possible if the target despatch order is the source despatch order of another data link.

Control which rate details are mirrored by selecting them on the Service Charges » Costs tab of the source Despatch Order.

Taxes on costs or service charges are not mirrored with their rate detail and cannot be mirrored separately. However, taxes can be added to the mirrored rate details in the target despatch order(s). If the original rate detail is no longer mirrored, MineMarket deletes any taxes that were added to the mirrored rate detail.

If you have reinvoiced costs, only the original rate detail or the reinvoiced cost can be mirrored. You cannot mirror both the original rate detail and the reinvoiced cost. See Reinvoice Costs and Service Charges for a Despatch Order.

Auto-mirroring Contract Costs and Service Charges

If Cost Mirroring is Full or Prorated By Quantity in a data link configured for a contract product, when a despatch order is created:

  • Cost rate details that were configured in the contract terms are auto-mirrored.
  • Applicable service charge rate details that were configured in the contract terms are auto-mirrored. Service charge rate details that are not applicable to the despatch order (for example, because the service reference date falls outside the rate period) are not auto-mirrored.

However, if Reinvoice Costs is checked in the contract settings, MineMarket auto-mirrors the reinvoiced costs, not the original rate details. See Specify Invoice Settings for a Sales or Purchase Contract.

Mirroring Despatch Costs

Take care when mirroring cost or service charge rate details to a target despatch order that has an associated despatch. For example, a cost is configured on a despatch associated with a source despatch order of a data link. The Rate Detail Basis is By Gross Mass and 15 mt of bulk material was loaded onto the despatch. The Service Charges » Costs table of the source despatch order shows this cost with a Rate Source of Despatch. The Impact is calculated based on 15 mt. If that cost is mirrored, the Service Charges » Costs table of the target despatch order shows the cost with a Rate Source of the hyperlinked name of the source despatch order. The Impact is the inverse of the original cost. Even if the target despatch order is associated with a despatch with a different gross mass, when that mirrored cost is invoiced in the target despatch order, the value is based on the Impact of the original cost as mirrored, not recalculated based on the target despatch order's despatch.

Auto-mirroring Despatch Costs

If Cost Mirroring is Full or Prorated By Quantity, cost rate details on despatches are mirrored automatically. For example, a source despatch order is added to a truck despatch and then a cost is added on the Service Charges » Costs tab of the truck despatch. That cost displays on the Service Charges » Costs table of the source despatch order and is automatically mirrored to the target despatch order. If that target despatch order is itself the source of a data link, the cost mirroring cascades to the subsequent target despatch order, and so on.

The auto-mirroring also applies if a source despatch order is added to a despatch that has existing cost ate details. The rate details on the despatch display on the source despatch order and are mirrored to the target despatch order(s).

MineMarket deletes the auto-mirrored costs if:

  • The cost rate detail on the truck despatch is deleted
  • The source despatch order is removed from the truck despatch

Create Invoices

If Create Invoices is checked in the data link properties, when a sales or purchase invoice is created for the source despatch order, MineMarket creates the sales or purchase invoice(s) for the target despatch order(s), even if the target despatch order(s) have already been invoiced with a higher or equal invoice type. For example, if a target despatch order has a final invoice, and you create a provisional invoice for the source despatch order, MineMarket creates a provisional invoice for the target despatch order.

If you revert an invoice for a source despatch order, you can choose whether to also revert auto-created invoices for the target despatch order(s). See Revert an Invoice.

Risk Transfer

The delivery term defines when the title and control pass from the seller to the buyer; that is, the point at which the seller's responsibility ends. See Set up a Delivery Term.

The default despatch order snapshot displays the date that control passes from the seller to the buyer, and whether that date is actual or estimated. See Despatch Order Snapshots. If Risk Transfer is checked for a data link, the snapshot of each target despatch order has the same Control Passed date and status as its source despatch order. If Risk Transfer is unchecked for a data link, the date when control passes is calculated for each despatch order independently.