Despatch Order Snapshots


Despatch order snapshots display detailed weights and assay values and a preview of invoice line items. These values are calculated by the MineMarket Marketing Service each time applicable data is saved and warehousing is complete. Depending on the snapshot settings, snapshots may include both revenue and costs; may be specific to invoice types (for example, provisional and final); and may be archived so that you can see the snapshot as it was on a date in the past.

Despatch order snapshots are aggregated in contract quota snapshots and are essential to trade profit and loss calculations.

The Processing Status in the despatch order header indicates whether snapshot calculations are waiting for processing by the MineMarket Marketing Service:

  • Pending Save—Applicable data has been changed (for example, on the despatch order or on another object that affects the despatch order) but not yet saved
  • Queued—Changes have been saved and are queued for processing
  • Processed—Processing is complete and snapshots have been recalculated

Snapshots are not recalculated for despatch orders with a closed status. See Status Definitions.

For snapshot archiving, see Create Copy Of Despatch Order Snapshots in Specify Snapshot Settings.

Snapshot Types

Default Snapshots

The default snapshot displays if the Invoice Type is None.

The values of the default snapshot represent the most up-to-date data based on contractual terms and the most recent weights and assays present in the system.

The default snapshot displays data for Revenue, Costs and the difference between the revenue and the costs (Profit And Loss):

  • The Revenue tab represents the sales or purchase invoices for the DO.
  • The Costs tab represents a summary of other possible invoices for the DO: demurrage, freight, freight commission, freight demurrage, freight demurrage commission, service and service demurrage.

The Costs and Profit And Loss tabs only display if the calculation of costs is enabled in the snapshot settings. See Specify Snapshot Settings.

Revenue tab

If the required data is available, the invoice preview line items in the Revenue tab of the default snapshot are a preview of the final invoice rather than the current last invoice type. (Assuming that the applicable contract terms specify a final quotation period (QP), or that the final QP exists as an override in the despatch order. Otherwise, the snapshot uses the latest QP that is specified.)

For example, if a payable analyte is flagged to be included only if QP is due, the invoice will ignore the analyte but the snapshot invoice preview calculates the payable analyte invoice line item because it is for internal use. In other words, the invoice preview is like an invoice revaluation, which emulates a final invoice and includes analytes even if they are not due.

Credit management uses the same calculation rules as the default snapshot.

If the required data is not available to calculate final invoice line items, the price can be estimated if this option is configured in the snapshot settings. See Estimate Price If QP Unfinished in Specify Snapshot Settings. Otherwise, the invoice preview will be of the provisional invoice line items, and so on back through the applicable contractual invoice types. If the required data is not available for the first contractual invoice type, the invoice preview displays data with appropriate error messages. The Marketing Service Errors screen can be used to view despatch orders with contractual or data errors on the default snapshot.

However, the Allow Incomplete Period to Invoice Date setting on the QP pricing line does not affect calculation of the line item on the invoice preview of the despatch order snapshot. The snapshot is calculated with any available prices in the price series for the QP, even if the QP has not yet finished.

For sales contracts with product pricing, whether the invoice value is provisional or final is determined from the pricing type. The Price Source in the Summary table indicates if the price is final.

For sales or purchase contracts with optional quotation pricing lines, the snapshot is calculated using the default quotation pricing.

If the Invoice Scope of a service or freight rate detail is Sales/Purchase Invoice or All, the line item displays on the Revenue tab because it affects the sales or purchase invoice.

Control Passed in the Summary table indicates the date when the conditions have been met on despatches in order for control to pass from the seller to the buyer. These conditions depend on the configuration of the delivery term. See Delivery Terms.

Costs tab

Costs are associated with extracting, moving, loading and shipping the material. These costs may be set up as costs or service charges on the sales/purchase contract, on the DO, or on the despatch; or as budgeted costs on the sales/purchase contract. Demurrage/despatch conditions and freight commissions are also displayed on the Costs tab of the snapshot. Each cost represents an invoice (for example, service, freight, demurrage) for the DO.

If the despatch order is unfulfilled, the snapshot displays costs based both on actual quantities and the balance. The balance is the minimum required quantity minus the actual quantity. The minimum required quantity is determined from the quota's minimum or minimum tolerance percentage if available, or else from the contract product's minimum. If the despatch order is fulfilled, only costs based on actual quantities display on the snapshot. See Despatch Order Fulfilment.

If the Invoice Scope of a service or freight rate detail is Freight/Services Invoice or All, the line item displays on the Costs tab because it affects service or freight invoices.

An uninvoiced cost can be excluded from Trade Profit and Loss if required.

Costs related to service charges only display for a despatch order if all the following conditions are met:

  • The location for the service charge matches the location for the DO, or the service charge is not limited to a location.
  • The material type for the service charge matches the material type for the DO, or the service charge is not limited to a material type.
  • The product or brand for the service charge matches the product or brand for the DO, or the service charge is not limited to a product or brand.
  • The service reference date is within a rate period for the service charge, or the service charge has a rate period not limited to a date range.

The snapshot can display the following demurrage/despatch invoice previews:

  • Demurrage/despatch with the customer—Configured in the sales or purchase contract; and applicable to either the loading or unloading location. The applicable location depends on the delivery term: For FOB, the demurrage/despatch is at the origin. For other delivery terms, the demurrage/despatch is at the destination.
  • Freight or service demurrage/despatch—Configured in the freight or service contract; and applicable to either the loading or unloading location. The location used depends on the demurrage/despatch conditions. Separate freight or service demurrage/despatch invoice previews may exist for both the origin and destination.
  • Freight commission for demurrage/despatch if the freight contract is configured with an address commission.

The due dates for demurrage/despatch invoices are calculated based on the payment instalment terms for which the Reference Document is Demurrage/Despatch.

For demurrage/despatch line items, an invoice log is available as an HTML report and an XML calculation log. The XML calculation log includes whether each value used in the calculation is from an estimated value, and whether the final value is estimated.

To hedge against foreign exchange (FX) fluctuations, invoice instalments in cost snapshots can be allocated to FX hedge positions.

Snapshots Specific to an Invoice Type

Depending on the snapshot settings, additional snapshots may be available for specific invoice types. Archived copies of snapshots may also be available. See Create Snapshot Per Invoice Type in Specify Snapshot Settings.

When an actual invoice is locked, the despatch order snapshot is calculated one more time for that invoice type. Despatch order snapshots are not created for invoice types for which there is a higher locked invoice.

Example: If Provisional and Final are enabled invoice types in the snapshot settings:

  • If only a prepayment invoice has been created for the despatch order, the snapshot display options will be None, Provisional and Final.
  • If a provisional invoice is locked for the despatch order, the Provisional snapshot is calculated one more time. The display options will be None, Provisional and Final.
  • If a final invoice is locked for the despatch order, the Final snapshot is calculated one more time. No further snapshots are created.

If a snapshot is created for the proforma invoice (or any lower invoice type), it displays values based on required quantities and despatch order specifications. These values are used even if loading weights, samples or other later information is available. This snapshot calculation matches how the proforma (or lower) invoice is calculated.

The Costs and Profit And Loss tabs are not applicable to snapshots specific to an invoice type.

To hedge against foreign exchange (FX) fluctuations, invoice instalments in revenue snapshots specific to an invoice type can be allocated to FX hedge positions.

Snapshots of the mark-to-market value of the despatch order display as an invoice-specific snapshot. See Mark To Market. Some fields in the revenue summary are only applicable to mark-to-market snapshots.

All Snapshots

Dynamic invoice line items are included, but only from last final invoices. For revenue snapshots, dynamic invoice line items display as separate line items and affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot. For cost snapshots, dynamic invoice line items do not display as separate line items, but do affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot.

Optional charges in sales and purchase invoices are included, but only from last final invoices.

An invoice may also include overrides, which are not included in snapshot invoice previews. However, overrides do affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot.

The invoice line items are grouped by invoice line type if the Invoice Evaluation Method for the contract terms is By Pricing Line.

Depending on the snapshot settings, exchange rates can be estimated for invoice previews that have values in two currencies. This estimation can use calculated forward exchange rates. See Estimate Exchange Rate If Not Available in Specify Snapshot Settings.

Depending on the snapshot settings, values from analyte quality forecasts can be used instead of analyte specifications when actual analyte values from samples and assays are not available. However, analyte quality forecasts are not used for snapshots created for the proforma invoice (or any lower invoice type). See Use Analyte Forecast Values in Specify Snapshot Settings.

If analyte quality forecasts are used to calculate the snapshot assay information and invoice preview:

  • The applicable forecast is as specified for the despatch order's or quota's product.
  • The analyte forecast values are determined from the despatch order's planned despatch date.
  • If analyte quality forecast values cannot be determined, analyte specifications are used to calculate the snapshot assay information and invoice preview.

Depending on the snapshot settings, snapshots can be archived. See Create Copy Of Snapshots in Specify Snapshot Settings.

Parent Despatch Orders

Parent despatch orders can have various parent-child relationships. See Parent and Child Despatch Orders.

Aggregated Parent Despatch Orders (APDOs)

The line items in the invoice preview are grouped by child despatch order (CDO) if Invoice Together is unchecked on the Child Despatch Orders tab; or if Invoice Together is checked and Aggregation Method is None. If the Aggregation Method is Average or Sum, the line items in the invoice preview are grouped by APDO.

On the Costs tab, the costs are grouped by CDO in the Services table.

Split Parent Despatch Orders (SPDOs)

If Split is After Loading Transactions or After Unloading Transactions, and:

  • The split has not yet occurred, the line items in the invoice preview are grouped by SPDO.
  • The split has occurred, the line items in the invoice preview are grouped by CDO.

If Split is By Pricing Line, the line items in the invoice preview are grouped by CDO.

On the Costs tab, the costs for the SPDO display in the Services table.

Consignment Parent Despatch Orders (CPDOs)

The CPDO snapshot displays only the assay values and the invoice line items of the CPDO.

On the Costs tab, the costs for the CPDO display in the Services table.

The values for the CDOs only display on the despatch order snapshots of the CDOs.

Linked Despatch Orders (LDOs)

If the contract link has Apply Contract Term Override checked, the snapshot of the linked DO uses the same contract terms as the source DO, and costs applicable to the source DO are also applicable to the linked DO.

If the contract link has Apply Contract Term Override unchecked, the snapshot of the linked DO uses the contract terms of the linked contract. Costs may be applicable only to the linked DO if they relate to a service charge in the contract terms of the linked contract.

However, if the source contract has an assay exchange, the linked DO's snapshot always displays the analyte values from the assay exchange.

See Linked Contracts.

For each data link, you can specify which data types flow from the source despatch order to the target despatch order(s). See Despatch Order Data Links.


A Datamine consultant recorded this video about despatch order snapshots in MineMarket.