Specify Partial Quantities for a Sales Invoice

This activity is only applicable if the selected despatch order (DO) (or at least one of the selected DOs) allows partial invoicing. See Invoices.

Security Note: You need the Allow invoice maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Invoice.
  2. Include a Despatch Order in a Sales Invoice.

    Note: Ensure that the Invoice Type is set to an invoice type that is possible, given the maximum iterations for a given invoice type and the order of invoice types. For example, if a selected partial DO has already been invoiced as a second provisional invoice, and only two provisional invoices are permitted, then either that partial DO cannot be selected for another provisional invoice, or else the Invoice Type must be a higher invoice type, such as Final.

  3. Select the Partial Invoicing tab.

    The Invoice Quantities table displays the full DOs for which Allow Partial Invoicing is checked and any existing partial DOs. The following columns display:

    • Selected—Whether to include the partial DO in this invoice.
    • Despatch Order—Name.
    • Description—Optional description or comment; for example, a despatch reference number.
    • Previous Raised Invoice—Blank if the DO has not been invoiced.
    • Previous Raised Invoice Type—As applicable:
      • The invoice type; for example, Provisional.
      • Accrual—If the last invoice was an accrual invoice, irrespective of the invoice type.
      • Uninvoiced—If not invoiced and not selected.
      • Ongoing—If not invoiced but is selected.
    • Previous Raised Invoice Quantity—Blank if the DO has not been invoiced.
    • Previous Raised Invoice Quantity UOM—Blank if the DO has not been invoiced.
    • Quantity To Invoice—Editable quantity to include in this invoice. The quantity displays in the mass basis (for example, wet or dry) of the contract.
    • Quantity To Invoice UOM—The unit of measure (UOM) of the full DO.
    • Adjustment—The partial DO for which MineMarket should adjust the quantity if the invoice is final and the delivered quantity does not equal the sum of the quantities of the partial DOs. Not applicable to non-final invoices.
  4. To create a partial DO, right-click a full DO and select New from the menu.
  5. To delete a new partial DO, right-click the partial DO and select Delete from the menu.

    A partial DO that has been invoiced cannot be deleted.

  6. Check Selected for the partial DOs to include in the invoice.
  7. For the selected partial DOs, update the following fields as required:
    • Despatch Order
    • Description
    • Quantity To Invoice—Only editable if the Previous Raised Invoice Type is Uninvoiced or Ongoing. Default: The uninvoiced balance of the full DO.
  8. Click Save.

    Note: Saving is required so that the MineMarket Marketing Service can process the snapshots for the partial DOs. These snapshot values are used in the invoice, but because the partial DO cannot be opened as a Despatch Order screen, the snapshot cannot be viewed directly.