
The following invoices can be created from the Invoice Explorer:

Limit the Invoices to Only Those That Belong to Specific Organisations

Domains can be used to limit the objects that can be seen by a user. Using this functionality, specific organisations can be made viewable, and all other organisations non-viewable for a domain. The domain is then assigned to a user group. When a user who is a member of that user group views invoices, only those that belong to the viewable organisations can be seen. See Domains.

For an invoice to be visible for users in a user group assigned a domain, all applicable domain objects must be visible for that domain:

  • For sales and purchase invoices: invoice organisation; company category of all despatch orders, company of all despatch orders; district of all despatch orders; and contract category (if it exists) of all despatch orders
  • For service and freight invoices: invoice organisation and invoice district

Invoice Type

The invoice type (or 'invoice iteration type') that can be created for a selected despatch order depends upon the contractual invoice types that have been defined for the associated sales or purchase contract. (See Specify Invoice Types for a Set of Contract Terms.) For customers under Credit Management, the available invoice types also depend on despatch order status and credit management configuration for the customer.

The basic invoice types that can be created are Proforma, Prepayment, Provisional and Final. Each invoice type can have a maximum number of iterations. When the maximum number of iterations has been reached, no further invoices of that type can be created for the despatch order.

The invoice type determines:

  • The price
  • Payment conditions, due amounts and due dates
  • Applicable contract charges and taxes

Configuration of the Invoice Types also includes whether:

  • Prices, weights and assay values can be overridden
  • Journals are created
  • Invoices can be created as accrual invoices

Invoice calculations for invoice types higher than proforma invoices are always based on the best available weights and assay values.

Proforma invoices (and any other invoice types lower than proforma) are calculated on required quantities and despatch order specifications. These values are used even if loading weights, samples or other later information is available.

Invoice Creation Date

If the pricing of any invoice item is based on a quotation period (QP), the earliest invoice creation date is the last business day of the QP. If the QP refers to a price series with an associated calendar, that calendar is used to determine which day is the last business day. If there is no associated calendar, Saturday and Sunday are considered to be non-business days.

Example: A despatch order has a QP that ends on a Sunday. The calendar associated with the QP's price series has Saturday and Sunday as non-business days. The earliest invoice creation date is the last Friday of the QP.

Invoice Line Items

Line items in invoices may be for revenue, payable analytes, contract charges, cost and service charge rate details, dynamic invoice items and taxes.

Figures displayed in black add to the total, and figures in red subtract from the total. A calculation log can be displayed for each invoice line item, either in HTML format if a template is available, or in XML format.

Revenue Line Items

For product pricing, there is one revenue line item per contract product payable percentage.

Payable Analytes

If there are payable analytes, for each payable analyte:

  • If the analyte is evaluated by Weighted Average, then one line containing the payable percentage displays. If the analyte is evaluated By Lot and Pricing By Lot is checked, then one line per lot containing the payable percentage for the lot displays.
  • Any specified price sharing for the payable analyte displays on one line if the price sharing is evaluated by Weighted Average, or on multiple lines if the price sharing is evaluated By Lot.
  • Any specified price participation for the payable analyte displays on one line if the price participation is evaluated by Weighted Average, or on multiple lines if the price participation is evaluated By Lot.
  • Any specified refining charge for the payable analyte displays on one line if the refining charge is evaluated by Weighted Average, or on multiple lines if the refining charge is evaluated By Lot.

Contract Charges

Any contract charge displays on one line if evaluated by Weighted Average, or on multiple lines if the contract charge is evaluated By Lot.

For invoices for bricked contracts, only contract charges with the same contract charge type and name are aggregated on the summary (not detailed) invoice preview.

Costs and Service Charge Rate Details

Each required rate detail must be selected in the Service Rates table of the Despatch Orders tab. Service charge rate details that display as costs on the snapshot of the relevant despatch order are preselected. Cost rate details are not preselected.

The rate details used for service charges in a sales or purchase contract are the rate details specified in the related service, freight or finance contract (unless overridden). A rate detail is only applied if the invoice date falls within the specified rate period. If a rate detail is selected on the contract, but subsequently the rate period is changed so that the rate period does not match the invoice date, the rate detail is still displayed on the invoice, but not calculated. If more than one rate detail of the same type exists in the same rate period, only the first rate applicable in that period is applied.

Dynamic Invoice Items

Dynamic invoice items can be added during invoice creation. These dynamic items do not have to relate to any item from the contract.

Tax Line Items

Taxes apply to revenue, payable analytes and contract charges. Depending on the configuration in the Tax Editor, taxes apply either to all or to selected dynamic invoice item types and service/freight/finance activities. Depending on the configuration in the contract, a tax may apply only to dynamic invoice items.

Invoice Line Item Decimals and Rounding

Rounding rules are applied to invoice line items by specifying the number of decimal places used for line item values. The number of decimal places configured in the Currency/Exchange Editor is used by default. For sales and purchase contracts, the default can be overridden by configuring decimal places for primary and secondary currencies in the set of contract terms.

Detailed Line Item Display

Detailed invoice line displays are available for invoices:

  • With bricked contracts
  • For contracts with product pricing where the pricing calculation is by QP line (rather than by QP header)

Invoice Totals

If despatch orders have been grouped together into despatch order groups, all the grouped despatch totals display, as well as the total amounts for all associated despatch orders.

The details of the payment terms include each despatch order total, the date the despatch order instalment is due, and a summarised instalment total at the end of the line items with the date the instalment is due. The summarised amount is the sum of all the instalments that are inside each despatch order total. There are as many of these instalments as the number of due dates defined in the contract. Payments can be made by despatch order or by invoice total.

For invoices not based on a despatch order, a summarised invoice instalment amount is calculated and displayed at the end of the invoice items. The invoice instalment contains summarised totals so the user can pay the whole amount in one instalment.

Accrual Invoices

Accrual have their journals posted to the accrual chart of accounts, not the actual accounts. If invoices are created as non-accrual, the invoice iteration is updated if the previous invoice was also not an accrual invoice.

Payment Terms

Payment terms determine the due date of and amount of invoice instalments, and any required payment conditions. Payment terms can be configured in sales, purchase, service and freight contracts. Default payment terms can be configured for organisations and companies, and are used when invoicing costs, finance contracts and repurchase contracts. See Specify Default Payment Terms for an Organisation or Company.

Payment terms items take into account previously issued payment term items for the same despatch order or despatch, such that:

Amount Owed = (Current Invoice Amount - Previous Payment Items) * Payable Percentage

Invoice Report Format

The display on the invoice is managed by the invoice report template. The invoice report template is a Crystal Reports template. The template may either be one of the default ones supplied with MineMarket (for example, InvoiceDefault.rpt), or one created specifically for the customer.

The structure contained in the invoice data XSD file is used to create the invoice XML document, which is used by Crystal Reports to generate the invoice report.

MineMarket includes a default InvoiceDataSet.xsd file; however, an invoice data XML script can be set up to add new fields or to modify existing ones. See Invoice Data XML Scripts.

If invoice printing settings are configured to Preserve Invoice Report Information, locking the invoice generates the invoice XML and stores it in the MineMarket database. An invoice document can be created for an unlocked invoice, but in this case, the invoice XML is generated when the Report tab is selected, and the invoice XML is not stored in the MineMarket database. See Specify Sales and Marketing Settings.

If preservation of invoice report information is not enabled, the invoice XML is generated when the Report tab is selected, for both locked and unlocked invoices.

Creation of Journal Entries for Invoice Items

The contractual invoice types that have been defined for the associated contract specify whether to automatically generate journals when the invoice is locked. After the invoice is locked, if journal entries are not created automatically, the journals can be manually created. Invoices can have line items and totals with zero value, and journal entries for invoice items can also be created with zero value.

Invoicing Linked Contracts

When the links between Linked Contracts are evaluated, they create a linked despatch order (DO) on the contracts to which they are linked. When the target contract is invoiced for the linked DO, the mass and analyte values are retrieved directly from the fulfilment details in the source DO.

Because the source and linked contracts are different contracts, it does not matter that both are invoiced because the revenue is only recognised by one district at a time. Therefore, each separate district involved recognises the revenue. However, because the aggregation of the financial amount would only be per district, this does not double the amount of money: the money is just moving twice instead of once.

Contract 1 and Contract 2, or Contract 1, Contract 2 and Contract 3 are invoiced (depending on the number of source contracts linked). The money goes into one account for Company A. Then it gets debited from that account on payment of District 1, and credited into the account for District 1, and so on.

When one contract is invoiced, if the quotation pricing is based on a pricing method of Linked Pricing, the pricing used is the pricing on the linked contract.

Example: Direct Sales Contract 1 (the source contract) between Client A and direct Seller B. Linked Contract 2 between direct Seller B and Company C. When Contract 2 is invoiced, the pricing used is the pricing on the Sales Contract 1.

If a source contract has a service contract attached, the linked invoice inherits this service contract. The service charges on the original service contract can be selected, even if the service charge is hidden on the source invoice.

Invoicing Repurchase Contracts

You can invoice repurchase actions via the Repurchase Contract or Invoice Explorer. The open action is included in a sales invoice; and the buyback actions in purchase invoices.

If Create Invoices is checked in the data link properties, when a sales or purchase invoice is created for a source despatch order, MineMarket creates the sales or purchase invoice for each target despatch order, unless the target despatch order has already been manually invoiced with a higher or equal invoice type. See Despatch Order Data Links.

Ensure that appropriate invoice types have been configured in both contracts. For example, a contract for a source despatch order could be configured for provisional and final invoices, and the contract for the target despatch order only configured for final invoices. In this case, MineMarket cannot create a provisional invoice for this target despatch order when a provisional invoice is raised for the source despatch order.

Locking of invoices is not linked. That is, if you lock an invoice for a source despatch order, MineMarket does not lock the invoice for the target despatch order; however, you can lock this invoice manually.

If you revert an invoice for a source despatch order, MineMarket does not revert the invoice for the target despatch order; however, you can revert this invoice manually.

If you need to delete an invoice for the source despatch order, you need to delete the matching invoice for the target despatch order first.

Note: If you create a partial invoice (see below) for a source despatch order, MineMarket creates a full invoice for the target despatch order.

Numbering Invoices

Object event scripts can be used to name invoices. See Set up an Object Event Script.

Naming scripts cannot effectively be set up to name an invoice when it is first created in the system. At this point, neither the buyer nor seller is defined; therefore, any part of the name based on these cannot be derived. However, an object event script that runs when an invoice despatch total is added to the invoice could be used to name the invoice.

This script could also be used to name any linked invoices, and transfer any date details between the invoices.

Partial Invoicing

Use Cases for Partial Invoicing

Possible scenarios for partial invoicing include:

  • A despatch order is allocated to multiple despatches that leave on different dates.
  • A supplier requests partial payment for material that has been delivered.
  • A business wants to roll part of the invoice quantity to the next month.

Partial invoicing can be used as a simpler alternative to Parent and Child Despatch Orders.

Applicability of Partial Invoicing

Partial invoicing is only applicable to sales or purchase invoices of despatch orders for which Allow Partial Invoicing is checked. A default value for this checkbox can be specified per sales or purchase contract. See Specify Invoice Settings for a Sales or Purchase Contract.

Partial invoicing can be used with source and linked despatch orders; however, the partial despatch orders that are created during partial invoicing are not mirrored in the linked invoice. That is, the invoicing of the source and linked despatch orders is independent.

The Partial Invoicing tab only displays in a Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice if Allow Partial Invoicing is checked for a selected despatch order and if the tab has not been hidden for the user group. See Configure Form Tabs for a User Group.

Example of Partial Invoicing

A despatch order has a required quantity of 45 t.

The first despatch is for 10 t. A first provisional invoice is raised for this quantity. To create the invoice, the full despatch order is selected on the Despatch Orders tab and the invoice type is set to Provisional. Then a partial despatch order is created on the Partial Invoicing tab for the 10 t. The Preview tab shows invoice line items calculated for the partial despatch order.

A second despatch is for 15 t. A first provisional invoice is raised for this quantity and a second provisional invoice is raised for the first despatch. To create the invoice, the full despatch order is selected on the Despatch Orders tab and the invoice type is set to Provisional. The Partial Invoicing tab shows the invoice status of the partial despatch order created previously for 10 t. Another partial despatch order is created for the 15 t. Both partial despatch orders can be included in a single invoice, because the invoice type is provisional for both partial despatch orders.

A third despatch is for 18 t. A first provisional invoice is raised for this quantity. To create the invoice, the full despatch order is selected on the Despatch Orders tab and the invoice type is set to Provisional. The Partial Invoicing tab shows the invoice status of the partial despatch orders created previously for 10 t and 15 t. Another partial despatch order is created for the 18 t. However, this time, only this new partial despatch order is included in the invoice.

An assay exchange is performed and a final invoice is raised for the full 43 t that has been despatched. To create the invoice, the full despatch order is selected on the Despatch Orders tab and the invoice type is set to Final. The Partial Invoicing tab shows the invoice status of the partial despatch orders created previously for 10 t, 15 t and 18 t. All three partial despatch orders are included in the invoice.

Partial Despatch Orders

Partial despatch orders are only created via a sales or purchase invoice.

A partial despatch order cannot:

  • Be opened as a Despatch Order screen or viewed in a Despatch Orders table in any screen
  • Display its own snapshot
  • Be added to a despatch
  • Have contract term overrides
  • Be hedged or traded

If a full despatch order is deleted, MineMarket deletes the partial despatch orders.

Partial Invoice Calculations

Invoice values of partial despatch orders impact the snapshot of the full despatch order.

Service charges and contract charges with fixed quantities are prorated based on the proportion of the partial despatch order quantity compared with the full despatch order quantity.

Journals are created per partial despatch order.

Invoices of partial despatch orders can be reverted.


Partial invoicing cannot be used with parent or child despatch orders. Allow Partial Invoicing is unchecked and read-only for any parent or child despatch order. If Allow Partial Invoicing is checked for a despatch order, that despatch order cannot become a parent or child despatch order.

Partial invoices cannot be created in Invoice Batch Processing.