Create an Analytics Connection for Centric Integration

Use this activity to create an analytics connection for Centric analytics integration with MineMarket.

This activity assumes that the following configuration is available:

  • A system user in Centric with required permissions for MineMarket integration
  • An Analytics Warehouse connection for the Centric integration with MineMarket, created in either:

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain Centric Analytics integration security right in the Centric Analytics Integration user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Reporting panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Connections node.
  3. Right-click the Connections node and select New » Analytics Connection from the menu.

    The Analytics Connection screen displays the new connection.

  4. Update the Name of the analytics connection if required.
  5. Update the following fields as required.
    • URL—The connection URL for Centric that specifies the communication protocol and the name or IP address of the server on which Centric runs. Example: http://localhost/centric.
    • Authentication Type—The only authentication type is Basic.
    • Username—The Centric username used for the MineMarket integration; for example, Administrator.
    • Password—The password for the Centric user.
  6. For an Analytics Warehouse connection created in Centric:

    If successful, the Connections table displays available Centric connections, including the Analytics Warehouse connection for MineMarket.

    1. If connections do not immediately display, right-click in the table and select Refresh from the menu.
    2. If the connection is not successful, determine the correct settings or contact your network administrator or Datamine representative.
  7. For an Analytics Warehouse connection created in MineMarket:
    1. Right-click in the Connections table and select Add from the menu.

      A sub-menu displays available report connections.

    2. Select the report connection for the Analytics Warehouse connection.

      If successful, the Connections table displays the Analytics Warehouse connection for MineMarket.

    3. If the connection is not successful, determine the correct settings or contact your network administrator or Datamine representative.
  8. Click Save.