Hedge Action

Hedge Action icon Use the Hedge Action screen to edit the hedge position of a quotation pricing (QP) line.

To open this screen (for a sales or purchase contract):

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the Contract Products » [Contract Product] » Quotas » [Quota] » Contract Term Overrides node.
  3. Select the Quotation Pricing node.
  4. Select the QP header.
  5. Select the QP line.
  6. Click the ellipsis (...) in the Hedge Action field.

To open this screen (for a despatch order):

  1. Open the Despatch Order.
  2. Select the Contract Term Overrides tab.
  3. Select the Quotation Pricing node.
  4. Select the QP header.
  5. Select the QP line.
  6. Click the ellipsis (...) in the Hedge Action field.

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