Configure the MineMarket Information Services

Use this activity to configure the connection and other settings for the MineMarket Information Services.

This activity updates the following files:

  • DataMartService.exe.config
  • DataMartAgent.exe.config
  • DataService.exe.config
  • ReportingService.exe.config

The MineMarket Information Services must be stopped before making changes to their configuration. The services can be restarted when configuration is complete.

Important: If changing any port numbers, review the summary of all Default Port Numbers.

Activity Steps for Basic Configuration

  1. Basic configuration of the MineMarket Information Services is via the Application Configuration Editor. See Edit the MineMarket Application Configuration.

Activity Steps for Data Service Advanced Configuration

  1. Open Windows Notepad or an alternative text editor with administrator permissions.
  2. Open the DataService.exe.config file in the MineMarket installation folder.
  3. In the owinConfiguration section, update the HTTP port number if required.

    The port number in the following code must match the HTTP port in the ReportingService.exe.config file.

    <owinConfiguration xmlns="" baseUri="http://localhost:15002">
  4. Save and close the DataService.exe.config file.

Activity Steps for Reporting Service Advanced Configuration

  1. Open Windows Notepad or an alternative text editor with administrator permissions.
  2. Open the ReportingService.exe.config file in the Reporting Services subfolder of the MineMarket installation folder.
  3. In the connectionStrings section, update the HTTP port number if required.

    The port number in the following code must match the HTTP port in the DataService.exe.config file.

    <add name="DataServicesURL" connectionString="http://localhost:15002/DataServices/v1" />
  4. In the owinConfiguration section, update the server name and HTTP port number if required.

    The server name must be the name of the server where the MineMarket Reporting Service is installed, and must be accessible from machines where users will access the OData feeds. For example, it may be necessary to use the server's IP address, or a name that is included in the Hosts table on all relevant machines.

    The port number in the following code must be unique.

    <owinConfiguration xmlns="" baseUri="http://localhost:15000">
  5. Save and close the ReportingService.exe.config file.

Important: Further changes may need to be made to the configuration files. See the Summary of Changes to the MineMarket Data Mart Service Config File, Summary of Changes to the MineMarket Data Mart Agent Config File, Summary of Changes to the MineMarket Data Service Config File and Summary of Changes to the MineMarket Reporting Service Config File for more information.