Configure the MineMarket Search Service
Use this activity to configure the connection and other settings for the MineMarket Search Service.
This activity can be combined with the activity to Configure the MineMarket Service, which is also done using the MineMarket - Service Config application. This activity updates the ServerSettings.xml file.
The ServerSettings.xml file is used in conjunction with the MineMarketSearchSvc.exe.config file. Changes to the MineMarketSearchSvc.exe.config file are only required if the MineMarket Search Service is installed on a different machine from the MineMarket Service and can be made via the Application Configuration Editor. See Edit the MineMarket Application Configuration.
The MineMarket Search Service must be stopped before making changes to its configuration. The service can be restarted when configuration is complete.
Activity Steps
- On the machine where the MineMarket Search Service is installed, navigate to the MineMarket installation folder and double-click BulkTrak.Config.exe.
The MineMarket Service Config screen opens.
- If the MineMarket Search Service is on a separate machine from the MineMarket Service, in the Connection Settings category, update the connection string to the MineMarket database:
Complete the following fields.
- Connection Type—Select from SQLServerNative or OracleODP.
- Data Source—For Oracle, this is the alias name. For SQL Server, this is the name of the server to which to connect.
- Initial Catalog
- Select whether to UseIntegratedSecurity of Windows.
- If UseIntegratedSecurity is False, enter the UserID and Password.
Complete the following fields.
- In the Search Settings category:
- To use an existing folder for the MineMarket Search Service index, browse for and select the Lucene Directory. This relative or absolute path must be on the server where the MineMarket Search Service is running. To browse for a folder, click the ellipsis (...) to open the Browse For Folder screen.
- To create a new folder for the MineMarket Search Service index:
- Enter the Lucene Directory.
A message confirming the folder creation displays.
- Click Yes.
- If a message asking whether to grant administrator permissions to the folder for all authenticated users displays, click Yes.
- Enter the Lucene Directory.
- Update the following fields as required.
- Allow Leading Wildcards—If True, the search term is treated as a 'contains' query. This slows down the search. If False, the search terms is treated as a 'starts with' query. Default: True.
- Database Select Batch Size—The number of rows that are retrieved per database call. Default: 5,000.
- Optimise - Maximum Wait Time For Idle—The maximum amount of time the MineMarket Search Service waits for itself to become idle before optimising the search index. After this time has elapsed, the search index is optimised even if the MineMarket Search Service is not idle. Not applicable until the Minimum Time Since Last Run has elapsed. Format: D:HH:MM:SS. Default: 01:00:00.
- Optimise - Minimum Service Idle Time—The amount of time for which the MineMarket Search Service needs to be idle before optimising the search index. Not applicable until the Minimum Time Since Last Run has elapsed. Format: D:HH:MM:SS. Default: 00:02:00.
- Optimise - Minimum Time Since Last Run—The minimum amount of time between search index optimisations. This timer persists across restarts of the MineMarket Search Service. For example, if the last optimisation was run at midnight, and the timer is set to 24 hours, and the MineMarket Search Service is stopped at 5:00 a.m. and restarted at 7:00 a.m., then the next optimisation is still at midnight (not considering the impact of waiting for idle time). Format: D:HH:MM:SS. Default: 1:00:00:00.
Note: Regular index optimisation is important for system performance. Even though searching still works accurately without optimisation, it gets slower as time goes on. Because optimisation takes a few minutes, it is not done every time a record is changed.
The recommended frequency for optimisation is approximately once per day, but this interval should be increased as the database grows.
- To schedule automatic rebuilds of the search index:
- Click the ellipsis (...) in the Rebuild Scheduling Settings field.
The Search - Rebuild Scheduling Settings screen opens.
- Check Enabled. With regular optimisation of the search index, entire rebuilds are not required frequently. Even if unchecked, manual rebuilds can still be triggered via the Server Settings tab of the Options screen in the MineMarket Client.
- Update the Start date and time if required. The earliest possible date and time for starting a scheduled rebuild of the search index. The specified time is used as the run time of day for scheduled rebuilds.
- Select the Frequency.
- To skip occurrences, update Recur Every. Default: 1.
Example: To schedule rebuilds for every second Tuesday, set Frequency to Weekly, Recur Every to 2 and Day of Week to Tuesday.
- If Frequency is Weekly, select at least one Day Of Week.
- If Frequency is Monthly, select the Days.
- Click OK.
The Search - Rebuild Scheduling Settings screen closes.
- Click the ellipsis (...) in the Rebuild Scheduling Settings field.
- Click Test.
A message box displays the test result.
- If the connection is not successful, determine the correct settings or contact your network administrator or Datamine representative.
- If the connection is successful:
- Click OK.
The message box closes.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
The MineMarket Service Config screen closes.
- Click OK.