Create the Marketing Service Orchestrator

Note: Two orchestrator options are available in MineMarket:

  1. Marketing Service Orchestrator (described in this activity)
  2. Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator (see Configure the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator)

Datamine recommends using the on-demand orchestrator for improved efficiency and scalability when processing large volumes of despatch orders.

Use this activity to create the Marketing Service Orchestrator.

The Marketing Service Orchestrator is a single Windows Service that is used instead of the regular MineMarket Marketing Service. The Marketing Service Orchestrator:

  • Distributes the work of processing despatch order states to the Marketing Service Farms
  • Reports on the total progress of despatch order state processing
  • Reports if a Marketing Service Farm becomes unresponsive

Status and error messages can be displayed:

  • In a server console window if the Marketing Service Orchestrator is run in console mode
  • In a billboard run within the MineMarket Client

Activity Steps

  1. Start Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Enter the following script, but substitute MineMarketMarketingServiceOrchestrator with the name of the Marketing Service Orchestrator.
    sc create MineMarketMarketingServiceOrchestrator binPath= "MineMarketPath\BulkTrak.MarketingService.exe /M=3" DisplayName= DatamineMineMarketMarketingServiceOrchestrator start= demand


    • sc create—Uses the service configuration utility to create a new Windows Service.
    • MineMarketMarketingServiceOrchestrator—Name of the MineMarket Marketing Service Orchestrator. To include spaces in the service name, enclose the service name in double quotation marks.
    • binPath= "MineMarketPath\BulkTrak.MarketingService.exe /M=3"—Location of the executable file for the MineMarket Marketing Service Orchestrator. This is passed into the script as a string. The number after /M= must be the number of Marketing Service Farms that will be created.
    • DisplayName= DatamineMineMarketMarketingServiceOrchestrator—Display name of the MineMarket Marketing Service Orchestrator that appears within the Windows Service list. To include spaces in the display name, enclose the display name in double quotation marks.
    • Start= demand—Enables manual control of when the MineMarket Marketing Service Orchestrator starts.

      Important: There must be a space after each equal sign (=) in the command.

      Example: DisplayName= "Datamine MineMarket 5.6 Marketing Service Orchestrator"

      For further information about the SC command, refer to

  3. Press the Enter key.

    The new Marketing Service Orchestrator is created as a Windows Service.

    Important: If using the Marketing Service Orchestrator, do not start the regular MineMarket Marketing Service.

  4. Additional configuration for the Marketing Service Orchestrator is via the Application Configuration Editor. See Edit the MineMarket Application Configuration.