Configure Field Mapping Report

Warning: This topic is intended for Studio Mapper system administrators. You should not attempt any of the following procedures unless you are authorized to do so, and are familiar with the concepts described.

A plot template, section definition file and configuration file control how Studio Mapper creates PDF reports. Typically, field mapping reports will following a consistent layout for a given reporting scenario.

Studio Mapper uses Plots window templates to govern how projections appear in a report (representing map faces) and reports can also contain tabular data and other plot items. This information is captured in a plot template, which can be associated with one or more map types. See Create a New Map.

Once a template has been set up and assigned to a map type using the configuration file, users can generate a report formatted using the format described by the template.

This topic describes how to set up a system to generate a face mapping report from a template.

Warning: Updating system components can impact all users of the active Studio Mapper database and/or system configuration file. Changes should be made in a safe, testable environment before rolling out to a live system.

To configure a field mapping report:

  1. An XML configuration file containing at least one map type definition. This is used to associate a map type with a report template. You can set up multiple configurations, e.g. a single face report can be associated with a specific template, and a heading report with a different template. See Assign Plot Template.

  2. A section definition table, also known as a "section table", containing sections that represent each face in the map. See Define Report Sections.

  3. Optionally, set up dynamic table plot items to display tabular data, say, relating to channel samples or map properties. See Configure Dynamic Tables.

  4. Optionally, create projection reference objects. These are used to determine which map report projections display which map data objects. In essence, reference objects determine how data is filtered in a report projection. See Configure Reference Objects.

  5. Add projections to a report template. These projections represent a view of map data, typically a map face (although 3D projections are also permitted). See Add Report Projections.

  6. If you chose to create projection reference objects (see above), you can assign specific overlays to one or more projections to control which data from a map is displayed (and what isn't). See Assign Project Overlays.

    This is covered in step 6, below.


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