Reorder Samples

To access this function:

  • Using the Channel Samples panel, select Reorder Samples.

The Reorder Samples command is used to reassign sample ID values to all samples in the current channel. Only data within the selected channel is affected.

Samples are reassigned an ID according to an increasing number value from the start to the end of the channel.

Sample IDs will follow the naming convention set in your configuration file, with the numeric component of the ID for the first sample being set to whatever is specified in the Next field. If this causes a conflict between sample IDs within the map (regarding sample ID values in other channels for the same map), you will be notified of the duplicate ID values in the Output control bar.

Reordering samples will include any QA/QC samples that occur in the current channel.

To reorder channel samples:

  1. Select the required Map and Face.
  2. Display the Channel Samples screen.
  3. Set Next to the lowest sample number for the channel.
  4. Click Reorder Samples
  5. Review the Output control bar to ensure no duplicate IDs are found within the current map. If they are found, you may need to renumber the current samples, or those of another channel.

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