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With a 3D window in focus, Press "2"


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Set (andoptionally align) the current 3D window section position and orientation based on two selected points.

This command will create a new section plane and, if selected, automatically orient the view so that it is orthogonal to the new plane.

How to use

  1. Run the command.

  2. Following the prompt, select (snapping is allowed) the first reference point in the window.

  3. Following the prompt, select (snapping is allowed) the second reference point in the window.

  4. To automatically align the view with the new section definition, select Auto align section, otherwise leave it unselected to leave the view position and orientation as it is.

  5. In the Orientation dialog, select a view orientation in relation to the 2 anchor points (essentially, choose the third axis).

  6. click OK.

    A new section will be created, and if you chose to do so, the view direction will be automatically oriented to be orthogonal to that section.