Annotate Strings

Annotate the block outlines with scheduling information

Annotate and Format Strings

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Once operational settings have been defined, select the Format ribbon,  and Schedule | Strings

The Annotate Strings dialog is used to annotate the mining block outlines that are being used for scheduling.


Field Details:


Label 1: select a field name from the list; field names are sourced from the Block Outlines object.

Label 2: select a field name from the list.

Label 3: select a field name from the list.

Label 4: select a field name from the list.

Label 5: select a field name from the list.

Label 6: select a field name from the list.

Label 7: select a field name from the list.

Label 8: select a field name from the list.

Label 9: select a field name from the list.


Legend Column: select a data column which will be used to generate an automatic legend for coloring the block outlines.

Filled: check this box to fill the outlines with color.

Row Height: click this button to edit a mass target.

Defaults: set annotation parameters to default values.

Clear All: clear all annotation settings.

Advanced: format the Block Outlines using the standard Format Display dialog.

OK: apply the defined string annotation settings and close the dialog.

Cancel: cancel string annotation without saving or applying any changes; close the dialog.

Preview: preview the string annotation settings in the Design window without closing this dialog.


note.gif (1017 bytes)

The mining blocks can be annotated with both static (e.g. BLOCKID) and dynamic (e.g. PCNTCURR) information.


note.gif (1017 bytes)







ISTS StudioOP adds the following fields to the Block Outlines (strings) object; these can be used for filtering and annotation purposes:

  • PERCENT  -  the total percentage of the block that has been scheduled across all periods

  • TIMENOST  -  the first period in which the block is scheduled

  • PCNTCURR  -  the percentage of the block that is scheduled in the current period

  • PCNTUPTO  -  the percentage of the block that is scheduled in the periods up to and including the current period

  • START  -  the same as TIMENOST

  • END  -  the final period in which the block is scheduled.

The PERCENT and PCNTUPTO  can be displayed for all activities.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Grid Format

Machine Display