string-to-road ("stro")
See this command in the command table.
To access this command:
Design ribbon >> Roads >> String to Road.
Using the command line, enter "string-to-road".
Use the quick key combination "stro".
Display the Find Command screen, locate string-to-road and click Run.
Command Overview
Create a road outline from a selected single road design string.
Command steps:
Digitize or load string data representing a road centreline.
Select the string data to become a road.
Specify whether the original design string (to be selected) will be kept after road creation, or whether it will be removed. At the prompt, select Yes to delete the string or No to keep it.
Define how the design string is treated using the String to Road Control screen. The options are:
C—use the selected string as a road centreline.
L—use the selected string as the left road edge.
R—use the selected string as the right road edge.
LR—the selected string runs from the left to the right of the road edge, with a gradual transition.
RL—as above, but the string runs from right to left edges.
Enter the width of the road at the start and the end using the Road Width screen.
Click OK.
The currently selected string is converted to a road of the specified settings, for example:
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