Estimate: Files

Using the Files screen of the Estimate dialog.

Estimate - Files Screen

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Estimate ribbon and click the top-level Interpolate button. The Files screen is displayed by default.

  • Type "ESTIMATE" in the Command window. The Files screen is displayed in the Estimate dialog, by default.

Estimate offers all the functionality of ESTIMA and INDEST (excluding unfolding), plus more, through a tailored dialog. It includes the ability to save and restore search volume, estimation type and variogram model information through the use of parameter files.

The Files tab of the Estimate dialog is used to define the geological model, unfold and sample input files, and the grade model; as well as the sample and parameter output files for a grade estimation. It comprises the following sub-tabs:

  • Input: allows you to define the geological model file used for grade estimation, as well as unfold and sample data files.

  • Output: allows you to define Grade Model, Sample Output and Parameter files.

Input Tab Field Details:

The Input sub-tab of the Files tab contains the following fields:

Input Model: all the estimation methods require an input prototype block model into which the sample grades are interpolated. For more information on input model files, see Grade Estimation Input Model Files.

Unfold Parameter File: allows you to select the parameter file created by the Unfold Wizard. This contains the settings specified in the wizard, and the names of the relevant files produced by it. These values are automatically added to the fields in the Sample Datagroup, on this tab, as well as to the fields on the Unfolding tab.

Apply: adds values from the parameter file produced by the Unfold Wizard to the relevant fields in the Sample Datagroup on this tab, and to the fields on theUnfolding tab. These values can be changed, if required.

Sample Data File: the input sample file must contain the three coordinate fields X, Y and Z (see below). For more information on input sample files, see Grade Estimation Input Sample Files.

Coordinate Fields X/Y/Z: these fields represent the description of the data columns used to represent X, Y and Z values in the specified Sample file (see above). X, Y and Z coordinate fields must be present in the loaded file. If an unfolded samples file has been specified, then the coordinates in the Unfolded Coordinate System (UCS) must be selected.

Zone Control Fields 1/2: in some cases it may be necessary to use different parameters for the same grade field in different areas. It is possible to specify one or two Zone fields using Zonal control and to have different parameters for each Zone (although both fields are optional). For more information on zonal control, see Grade Estimation Zonal Control. Note that you do not have to specify zone control fields. In this case, there will be no zone control fields in the estimation parameter file.

Sample Key Field Column: if each record in the sample data file is identified by a key field, then the number of samples per key field value can be restricted. This field is used to define the data column in the loaded sample file that represents that key field. For more information on key fields, see Grade Estimation Key Fields.

Output Tab Field Details:

The Output sub-tab of the Files tab contains the following fields:

Grade Model: specify the location of the output grade model file. For more information, see Grade Estimation Output Models.

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The grade being estimated is always written to theOutput Modelfile with its field name determined by theVALUE_IN/VALUE_OUfields.

In addition to the grade field, some of the estimation methods also calculatesecondary fields. For example, kriging also calculates the number of samples used for kriging and the kriged variance. In order for grade estimation to write these secondary fields to theOutput Modelfile the field names must be defined using theEstimation Parameterfile. For more information on secondary fields, see Grade Estimation Secondary Fields.


Sample Output File: the Sample Output file is optional, and records the weight of each sample, for each cell, for each grade which is estimated. For more information on the Sample Output File, see Grade Estimation Output and Results.

Parameter Files (Input and Output): parameters are divided into the following categories:

  • Search Volume

  • Estimation Types

  • Variogram Model

Each category has a separate tab on the Estimate dialog (see Related Topics, below). Parameters for the above categories are stored in Datamine files that are inputted directly to the ESTIMA process. The names of the default parameters files are:

  • Search Volume: estparsv

  • Estimation Types: estparep

  • Variogram Model: estparvm

To use these defaults, ensure that the Use Defaults check box is selected. Alternatively; you may select your own names for these files by clearing the Use Defaults check box, and using the appropriate browse button to specify a file location for each category. If the Save box is checked, then the parameters defined using the Estimate dialog will be saved in these files when the command is run.

If the Restore option is selected then parameters in these files will be restored to the appropriate interactive dialog tab. If there are existing values in the tabs, then the restored values will be added to the existing values.

There is an option on each tab that allows parameters to be imported from, or exported to, alternative Datamine files. When using this option you are prompted to browse for the required file.

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The following buttons are also available at the bottom of this screen:

Restore: restores the settings added prior to the lastRunof theEstimatedialog. This will restore all settings on all screens.

Clear: reset all fields on all screens to their default values.

Next: move forwards one screen in the order of Estimate screens

Run: run the current grade estimation, launching theESTIMAprocess.

Cancel: cancel theESTIMATEprocess without running an estimation.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Estimate Dialog - UnfoldingEstimate Dialog - Search Volumes
Estimate Dialog - Variogram Models

Estimate Dialog - Estimation Types

Estimate Dialog - Controls

Estimate Dialog - Preview

Grade Estimation Getting Started

Grade Estimation Key Fields

Grade Estimation Methods

Grade Estimation Output and Results