Variogram Model Set Properties

Describes the current variogram model set

Variogram Model Set Properties

To access this dialog:

  • This panel is found on the Fit Models | Variogram Model Set Properties tab.

  • This panel is found on the Review Variograms | Variogram Model Set Properties tab.

The panel displays details of the currently selected variogram model set.

You can use this panel to set a custom description for the variogram model set, plus the variable and (if a multivariate scenario) a covariable, picking from one of the variables defined on the Select Samples panel. Variograms can also be added and deleted from the set.

The variogram properties will be validated before they are added to the set, and any problems detected will be listed (see "Error messages", further below).

Defining a new variogram model set (for example, by clicking Add on the Review Variograms panel) lets you define a new model set.

Once you've entered a Description (or accepted/modified the automatically-generated one) you can then, if zonal control is being used, pick a Zone for which the model set related. All zones, and if they have been defined, custom zones for soft boundary estimation, they will appear in the Zone drop-down list.

You need to choose if you are setting up variograms for univariate set or cross-variograms for a multivariate case, using the Multivariate check box, which defaults to unchecked (= univariate).

Next you can modify the contents of the variogram model set table below, using the add and delete buttons to insert or remove rows:

You can then pick the Variable and (for multivariate cases) the Covariable to which the variogram model relates.

Once you've set up the table as you need it, click Validate and Save. See below for more information on validation.


Variogram Model Set Validation

Clicking Validate and Save will review your inputs for obvious errors, reporting back anything that is unusual, or may cause problems later on.

Within the Variogram Model Set Properties tab, error conditions are highlighted using a pop up, for example:

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Clicking outside of the model set table will automatically trigger validation of its contents.


The following table describes each message and what caused it:

Error message Caused by...
Empty rows found in the models grid. One or more rows in the variogram models grid above is empty.
The variable/covariable pair is defined more than once in the model grid. If the same variable/covariable pair is defined more than once for a multivariate estimation, processing can't continue as each combination must be unique.
Failed to save univariate variogram model set as it contains cross variograms. Please check the variogram model grid. This message is displayed when the variogram model set contains cross variograms but the Multivariate check box has not been enabled.

Failed to save multivariate variogram model set. Please add variogram models for all the variable pairs.  

This message is displayed when the a multivariate model set has been defined, but not all variable/covariable pairs have been specified.
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